Botox with or without sedation?

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Botox with or without sedation?

Postby Ksbiddy » 04 Dec 2018, 02:10

Has anyone had botox injections in the office or had them without being sedated? I am scheduled for botox injections soon for my 3 month painful fissure and will be undergoing MAC anesthesia/ sedation am am nervous.
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Re: Botox with or without sedation?

Postby patience_and_healing » 04 Dec 2018, 02:21

I had botox without sedation in the doctor's office. It was injected on either side of the anterior midline and wasn't nearly as painful as expected. Two quick shots and it was over. I rested for the remainder of the day, and had some anterior pain for the next 2-3 days but nothing after. I also used a bidet to keep the area clean after a BM. I don't remember if I took sitz baths.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Botox with or without sedation?

Postby Shannon » 07 Dec 2018, 14:54

My dr is reccomending I do the Botox shot. He does them in the hospital under general anesthesia. If I do it I go next week. I’m scared!
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Re: Botox with or without sedation?

Postby Ksbiddy » 07 Dec 2018, 20:21


I had mine done in the or but it was under Mac anesthesia. Tell your doctor about your concerns and ask if it can be done under this type of anesthesia. It’s the type of sedation they use for colonoscopys.
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Re: Botox with or without sedation?

Postby Shannon » 07 Dec 2018, 20:40

How did your Botox go? How are you feeling?
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Re: Botox with or without sedation?

Postby Ksbiddy » 07 Dec 2018, 22:26

I was not able to go the RR for 2 days prior to Botox and now for 2 days after. Today I finally had a bm and it was very hard and now I am in terrible pain. I feel like the spasming has lessened some since the Botox but only time will tell. I am ready to get back on a regular bm schedule and really stick to a healthy diet to see if I have improvement. I will keep you posted on my results. Have had my af for over 3 months now post my c section.
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Re: Botox with or without sedation?

Postby Ksbiddy » 07 Dec 2018, 22:31

If anyone has fb I just created this group so we could all chat on fb as well.
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Re: Botox with or without sedation?

Postby Shannon » 07 Dec 2018, 22:47

I’m going to join your fb group!!! I trust you will continue to heal and feel better every day! I’ve had 2 csection and I’d rather have another csection than this AF! I’m likely going for my Botox 2-3 weeks once Ins auth. Meanwhile using nitroglycerin which healed me before.
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Re: Botox with or without sedation?

Postby ember » 11 Dec 2018, 21:18

I just had botox last week under anesthesia. I think that may be because she wanted to do a more thorough examination and see what was going on. I actually don't know exactly what she did, but when I asked the nurse afterwards, she said they did an ultrasound to see if there was anything more serious going on. When I got home, I was surprised to find severe bruising and the fissures much worse than before. I will definitely be asking what happened when I go to the follow up appointment. I am glad they looked more closely, but also annoyed that now I seem worse off than before. I wish I had asked more questions ahead of time. It's also really inconvenient because you have to have someone take the day off work and accompany you, etc, since you can't drive after anesthesia. (And I hate IVs!). If I need to have this done again, I will ask her why she can't do it without anesthesia and just numb the area. I have seen other people on the site say they did that.
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