Bowel issues after Fistula Surgery

I've had 5 surgeries fixing to have #6

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Bowel issues after Fistula Surgery

Postby AngelaO1968 » 08 Sep 2022, 17:47

Hello, well I'm new here and I'm trying to get some information from someone that might be going through what I'm going through. So it started out with a major pain in my rectum I thought I had an infected hemorrhoid nothing I did helped the pain or the pressure was unbearable. I finally went to ER in a small town near me they did a MRI with the dye and they transferred me to a major hospital n I was rushed into surgery. They said I was on the verge of bursting n going septic. They did the abscess surgery I went home 4 days later n a week to the day off my surgery it came back n busted n I was rushed to hospital by ambulance had another surgery. 2 weeks later it was back and once again another ambulance trip to ER and another surgery this time they put a pin rose tube in that stayed for about 2 weeks they took it out thought thought I was doing good but the incision kept festering back up so back to hospital put in a seton band this time stayed 6 weeks had another surgery this time they cut the fistula out. Well 5 months later it's back so now I go back to hospital on Monday 12th for another surgery to try to figure out what is going on. But during this time I have so many problems with my bowels. I can't hold it if the urge hits me, I've been just sitting at my desk at work no urge no feelings of having to go at all and all the sudden I feel it just coming out no warning. I have also woke up in the morning and I went during the night n didn't even know it. I have tried using benefiber but that cause all new issues. At time I have that feeling where my belly just rumbles and cramps like I have to go but I don't. Has anyone else have any of these issues after fistula surgery if so what was your outcome. I'm really nervous im gonna end up with a bag. I appreciate you listening to my story and you feedback :thanx:
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Re: Bowel issues after Fistula Surgery

Postby patience_and_healing » 10 Sep 2022, 13:26

I'm so sorry you are having these complications. You may have nerve damage from all the surgeries that is affecting continence. I suggest going to see a pelvic floor therapist who can help you retrain your muscles.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
On and off in pelvic physical therapy
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