bum feels weird

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bum feels weird

Postby normajeanchariot » 11 Nov 2017, 03:17

I have a fissure and yesterday I was seen by a colorectal surgeon. He did a physical exam by spreading my cheeks apart and ever since my bum has felt very weird and uncomfortable. It feels like the left side of my rectal wall has displaced outwards or the right side has gone inward. From what I can tell it seems normal from the outside. I've tried putting some paw paw cream in there to try and lubricate it back to the right position but hasn't worked. I've tried pushing it back in but I can't find anything to actually push back in. I've even tried spreading my checks myself to try to set it back right but nothing has worked and it's all just making my fissure worse. Does anyone have any advice??
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Re: bum feels weird

Postby chachacha » 11 Nov 2017, 09:13

I had a rectal exam a couple of months ago for a hemorrhoid issue (had fissure surgery a few years ago), and afterward, the "configuration" of the inside of my rectum changed. It actually made things better, but it only lasted for about a week. Perhaps your change (unfortunately for the worse) will revert back to the norm soon too.
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Re: bum feels weird

Postby normajeanchariot » 11 Nov 2017, 21:30

thank you for the response! I hope you're right. I definitely feel like I've retorn the fissure and may have actually created additional ones just from me trying to right things down there. kinda horrific. anyway thanks again for the response :)
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Re: bum feels weird

Postby normajeanchariot » 20 Dec 2017, 19:56

UPDATE: So after 1 - 2 weeks it improved significantly. Unfortunately, after now about 5 weeks, I still have the same weird feeling down there (just less than what it was before). I feel like it isn't going away. I spoke to my surgeon this morning over the phone. He basically said to wait until my surgery date when they examine me (the surgery should be in about a month or so although I still haven't received a date yet). I'm not sure what to do. He hasn't acknowledged the other surgeon doing anything to me as such. I'm trying to resist the urge to try to push something back in but I feel like, if I do this, I'll end up re-tearing the fissure. Having said that, what if the fissure can't heal because it's not sitting right. Then I'd be going off for a second surgery without having given it a proper chance to heal after the first surgery.
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