Dear Dawn - it is just maddening how EVERYBODY is different and how hard it is than to help others with advices and input since at the end, everybody have to try anything recommended and see for him/herself if it will work or not *sigh It applies to everything involved - from diet, softeners, fiber to the ultimate challenge - a LIS !
BUT, I can tell you that I was probably exception in many ways , so I am not a good "specimen" for fissure study group. I had no trouble healing but was as fast to re-tear over and over again : ((. AND I had problematic tag and my butt was super-tight (and still is ) after even making a cut *sigh
It is DEFINITELY not hopeless - MOST people heal fast and forever 98 % !!!!!!!!!!!!! So, odds are in your favor any way you turn it ; ))) !!!!
The fact that you have just a slight burning now and for such a short time is VERY encouraging and of course it means healing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO DOUBT !!!!! You just have to continue with all of the nice regiments you have now in place and with time it will MOST probably heal
If not - than you have so many other options to try still : ))) !!! Did you ever try Botox : ) ????? I skipped it since I wanted "forever fix", but for somebody like you that have very good progress with conservative methods, that could be a solution also : ))) !
Having a butt problem is major challenge : (((- it drains person out physically and emotionally and it is normal to feel down sometimes ,but we just have to shake those emotions off and push forward : ))) until we heal , this or that way and there ALWAYS IS A WAY - try to keep that in mind any time you feel "hopeless" , OK : )))
You are doing great (KTW) so far and concentrate on that wonderful fact