Can anoscopy cause anal fissure?

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Can anoscopy cause anal fissure?

Postby as90 » 08 Nov 2017, 22:38

Hi all,
I had been getting sclerotherapy done for my internal hemorrhoids. My CRS has to use an anoscope to do it. I noticed that when he inserted it and then pulled out, I was rather tight and he said "there was pressure". I had a bowel movement before he did it. I was ok immediately afterwards but the next day I have been having sorenes on the opposite side of the injection. It is constant pain and not associated with bowel movements. I'm just worried that the anoscopy and him pulling out could cause an anal fissure.

I have to go see him in a couple weeks for the next injection.

Anyone hear of anoscopy causing fissure?

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Re: Can anoscopy cause anal fissure?

Postby empty_butt » 09 Nov 2017, 01:10

Hi as90,

I went to a CRS in April due to a burning sensation and pain after a BM, but no blood. Well, it was obviously a fissure. To diagnose it he performed an anoscopy. After that day, my hell with fissures started. The fissure started to bleed and spams like never before. Only GNT helped a little… Performed another anoscopy a month later (it was not bleeding anymore) for a follow up and guess what? The day after again bleeding spams pain to cry for.
I have changed CRS since and never had any anoscopy done.
It’s frankly my opinion that with very fragile mucose anoscopy, especially if done by non very gentle doctors, can only cause more damage.

Hope you recover soon
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