Now that my pain and bleeding during BMs are worse than they've been all year, I'm having an easier time pinpointing the location of the pain. It is just inside the anal opening, on the left side. There is an external hemorrhoid just below it, but I don't know if they are somehow connected.
When I have a BM, I initially get a really sharp pain at that location, which become duller as the BM progresses. Then, I'll usually see anywhere from a tiny amount to a great deal of blood. The rest of the day, I'll have varying degrees of stinging, or strong, dull pain that sometimes radiates into my left butt cheek and down my leg. Sometimes in the evening I feel perfectly fine. There are no muscle cramps.
I went to see my CRS on Monday so I could point out the spot of the pain. He poked it with a q-tip and it was really painful. He said the spot was just above the hemorrhoid, but that he didn't see anything. He said he couldn't get it to bleed. His diagnosis continues to be that I have pelvic floor or some other type of undiagnosed pain that needs biofeedback, and that the bleeding is unrelated (either internal hemorrhoids or something more serious). He did throw out a theory that it could be related to my previous fissurectomy/sphincterotomy surgery, but I'm fairly sure that was on the right side (I asked them to check). I'm scheduled for a colonoscopy next Friday. He said he intends to get a better look at the anal/rectal region while in there.
At this point, I really don't agree with my CRS. The blood only comes with pain which, to me, rules out something internal. The blood could be the external hemorrhoid, and perhaps he couldn't get it to bleed because it actually didn't bleed during my BM that morning. In my view, something is wrong in that spot on the left that can't be easily seen, and that radiates intense pain at times.
I plan to go forward with the colonoscopy, just to rule out possible major issues and to get a better look at the site of my pain. However, I don't really expect us to find anything out.
Does anyone have any ideas about what this could be?