Can stool be too loose? And other questions

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Can stool be too loose? And other questions

Postby Badd825 » 03 Jun 2012, 06:14

I have had very loose stool. I thought this was the goal. Today I was constipated (don't know how that happened). I had to put a glove on and manually remove stool. I now have less pain. Does this make any sense to anyone? I'm doing all the things I should, like water fiber sitz bath etc... This is why I don't know how I got constipated. The stool was formed and not a mushy blob like usual. I had to strain to get it out but I actually feel a little better. I think a lot of my pain is from spasms although i dont feel a spasm I feel a burning deep ache is this what spasms feel like? Image Also Im confused about nuts with AF. Good or Bad. The usual BM although soft seems to aggravate me too much. Any advice would be appreciated. This forum is awesome. My spirits are better since I discovered it!
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Re: Can stool be too loose? And other questions

Postby jr2 » 03 Jun 2012, 10:18

Hi Badd
Yes, stools that are too loose are just as bad as hard stools when it comes to fissures. The reason is there is much more stool residual left in the fissure with a loose stool, and also because the looser the stool the more contact the anus is getting to irritating digestive juices and acids that can increase inflammation. You are aiming for stool that is soft but not loose, that is formed but easy to pass with no straining.
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Re: Can stool be too loose? And other questions

Postby Deleted User 1549 » 03 Jun 2012, 12:21

Regarding nuts, I'm not sure if they're bad from a dietary perspective (i.e. fibre content), but if you don't chew them up enough, they can leave hard bits in your stool which can cause pain during a BM (in my experience.)
Deleted User 1549

Re: Can stool be too loose? And other questions

Postby 3 years now » 04 Jun 2012, 08:07

constipation happens - sometimes there is no good reason. I am taking 2 tbsps extra virgin olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning - its working wonders - google it! Stools are formed but soft and the oil created a protective coating down there. Give it a try it is natural and completely safe.
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Re: Can stool be too loose? And other questions

Postby Badd825 » 04 Jun 2012, 08:28

Thank you. I love natural alternatives. Do you use Cold pressed extra vigin olive oil. What do you think of dipping a little bread in it? Whole wheat of course! This forum is really helping my spirits! Everyone is so informative and willing to help and listen. I'm so glad I found all of you!
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Re: Can stool be too loose? And other questions

Postby Sana1 » 04 Jun 2012, 20:23

What about instead of dipping bread (it is not suppose to be a meal ) you mix olive oil with a little bit of fresh lemon juice ? It tastes like yammy salad dressing.
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Re: Can stool be too loose? And other questions

Postby 3 years now » 05 Jun 2012, 08:22

Not cold pressed, just regular extra virgin. Don't take it with bread - no food - on an EMPTY stomach - then you can eat like an hour later.
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Re: Can stool be too loose? And other questions

Postby mrAnonymous » 20 Mar 2017, 04:29

3 years now wrote:constipation happens - sometimes there is no good reason. I am taking 2 tbsps extra virgin olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning - its working wonders - google it! Stools are formed but soft and the oil created a protective coating down there. Give it a try it is natural and completely safe.

I just tried it and... can you get that stuff in capsule form? Swallowing down 2 tablespoons of olive oil is rather unpleasant - it's actually a bit hot (burns the throat slightly) and makes me want to throw up when I'm swallowing it. :)
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