Cauterization alone

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Re: Cauterization alone

Postby anne123 » 19 Aug 2016, 13:28

Hello all!!
Im 30y female. I have 1 or 2 fissures. And been like 3 months now. 1 and half month in hell...
And now its better i can walk.. sit.. sleep...
But yet.... discomfort down there.... and having something like a small pile down there.... which bothers me in BM and gases.. sory if im detailed..
Now i have contacted the dr. Rectum surgeon and i asked her i want to get rid of them...
She told me she can do cauterization for the fissures and pile... and that will help
Bcs i have 1 fissure it wont go away....
Im worry to do it...... is it safe??
I mean she told me no worries and that i go out the same day..... any advise??
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