Childbirth with a pre-existing fissure?

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Re: Childbirth with a pre-existing fissure?

Postby bum_problems_uk » 12 Dec 2021, 10:25

I think for the first 6 months or so I'll just see how it goes (I'm keeping everything crossed I can avoid reopening it with careful management but I really don't know what a c section recovery is like and slightly nervous about being able to stay regular) and then my surgeon wants to do a proper examination to rule anything else out as he couldn't do one before as it was too painful. I would quite like the sentinal pile / skin flap removed but wouldn't risk that if it could hurt the fissure again so will see what he says. Have you considered surgery yet?
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Re: Childbirth with a pre-existing fissure?

Postby Peggydoo » 12 Dec 2021, 10:35

Ok keep me posted! My fissure healed in the second trimester last pregnancy but I opted for c-section just in case. After the c-section I just reaaaally went hard on making sure I could poop before we left the hospital. It took 3 days and they discharged us right admirer! I took Miralax and colace but what helped the most was a dull Olaf suppository. That also released all the trapped gas and it was sooo helpful. I kept on my regimen when I got home and honestly it’s been pretty uneventful since then until I got pregnant last month. I think in some ways the weight of the baby helped loosen my pelvic floor. I got the nifedipine and Diltiazem ointments a couple times when I thought I was re-tearing but it helped clear things up in a few days and I haven’t really had any real fissure issues after birth til now. I bet you’ll heal up fine! Just keep on the regimen especially if breastfeeding as it dehydrated me.
I see the surgeon in March.. praying I’m healed by then. Saw her last time and same as you, I couldn’t tolerate the anoscope. So she just said follow up after birth. Did your Dr see the fissure or just guess at it?
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Re: Childbirth with a pre-existing fissure?

Postby Peggydoo » 12 Dec 2021, 10:37

* right after
** Dulcolax suppository

Stupid autocorrect on my phone lol sorry!
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