Chronic Anal Fissure but no Pain?

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Chronic Anal Fissure but no Pain?

Postby septronius » 25 Oct 2021, 12:40


Is it possible to have a chronic anal fissure but no paint during BM?
I have blood on toilet paper during BM, I have a sentinel pile as well.
Has anyone dealt with a chronic anal fissure without any pain associated to it?
Some times throughout the day it'll bleed randomly for a little bit but I think it's because of me sitting too long or some awkward movement.
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Re: Chronic Anal Fissure but no Pain?

Postby Worstyear » 26 Oct 2021, 07:10

Hello, the answer is yes.
I had 4+ years of bleeding on and off before it started to hurt, and sentinel piles.
My humble advise: see a doctor and get treated before it scales.
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