Hello Everyone, I can understand what you guys going through.
Lets cut it short, I had terrible terrible 4 months last year. It started on one unfortunate evening last year in first week of June when i was invited to some BBQ party and apparently i ate a lot of Burgers and some really well done chicken pieces and next morning when i went to loo to pass my bowels, it caused me so much of pain and burning i can't explain in words and after that for next few days i was going through a lot of pain and hoping it will pass away but it didn't and i end up going to my GP, who prescribed me ANusol Cream and suppositories for a week, which was a pain in itself to shove it up my anal passage twice a day. I did use it for a week and it didn't work at all. and my pain and burning sensation was getting worse, it was there all the time and i couldn't even walk properly.
I went to see Colo rectal surgeon who prescribed me diltizem cream, which i had to apply around my anus twice a day, and it was suppose to work within 8 weeks( yes 8 weeks), used it for 8 weeks and it didn't work at all, but luckily like some people i didn't get any headaches. Went back to surgeon and he said and he said he is going to give me a botox injection or some invasive cut kind of thing, and i was so shattered and scared and then a sort of miracle happened - My Mother discussed my problem with one of her friend who went through the same and cured it using some fruit and veg, yes Fruit and Veg, I tried it and after 2 days of using it, my stool was so soft and watery and it didn't hurt at all, and i used it for few weeks which gave my fissure enough chance to Heal and I am all well now Thankfully.
So guys get your smoothie maker/blender out and take one carrot(unpeeled), 2-3 inch of cucumber, half of an apple and please remove the seeds and unpeeled and few leaves of green flat leave parsley, add half a glass of water and blend it well or in a smoothie maker and then squeeze quarter of a lemon it, Drink it before you go to bed and try to drink at least 1-2 litres of water during the day and if you can take a sachet of Movicol once in a day. please do try and i hope it will help you guys too the way it helped me.
What to do whilst you're going through this painful time:
A) Drink a lot of water
B) Eat a lot of fruit like strawberry, apple, pear and Guava as they are fibre rich and make stools soft and easy to pass thorough.
C) Eat Veg like cauliflower, Cabbage, Broccoli and Squash.
D) Walk helps too specially when your sphincter goes into spasm and you can't pass wind.
E) Take ibuprofen if pain is too much
F) Apply some Coconut oil directly onto your fissure or around the anal opening.
G) Magnesium Helps.
H) Eat Dates and Figs.
I) Try to wash your anus with water after every BM, you don't want any germs there at all.
J) If there is a lot of itchiness in the area, try to pour cold water on it, it helps.
What not to do:
A) Avoid Booze as much as you can because it dries you up and none of you want that this time.
B) Avoid Red meat at all cost, chicken and fish is fine but i would say go for Veg and Pulses and more Fibre.
C) Don't take any medication which has codeine in it, it makes stools really hard and causes constipation.
D) Don't Scratch, I know its hard and that itch is terrible but try to avoid as much as you can.
E) Relax when you go to toilet
F) Don't sit in bath for too long as it causes wrinkles in the anal area which aren't too good for fissure
G) Avoid soaps or scented toiletries in anal area
J) Avoid tomatoes and anything with a lot of Vitamin C, as well as spicy food, as they all cause itching.
I hope this would be of some help and I really pray and wish that all of you would see the back of this horrible Anal Fissure as soon as possible.
Thank you.