Chronic Fissure Anus anatomy

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Chronic Fissure Anus anatomy

Postby septronius » 28 May 2022, 16:09


I've been dealing with a chronic fissure for almost a year, I think I've made a lot of progress but I might need some insight. I already saw a Colorectal Surgeon, I will go again to get more feedback but the appointment will take months.

So my current situation is as follows:
I have pretty good bowel movements
0 pain
I don't think I strain, most stools pass well
Some rare days I don't have blood in my stool
Some days the blood is a dot or more prominent
My sentinel pile is growing still

I had a look at my anus region and I noticed when I relax it doesn't look open like there's no hole, it kinda looks pinched together. The muscle tissue just looks thick.

I have a very positive attitude towards my healing journey, even on days with bad results they don't mentally affect me because I tell myself I can do better and I try to improve for the next time. I must be doing something wrong for it to not heal or maybe my anatomy is preventing the fissure from healing?

Has anyone else dealt with this? Any advice would be appreciated, I'm not giving up, I'm actually mentally very well now and determined to win this fight no matter how long it takes.

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Re: Chronic Fissure Anus anatomy

Postby Mich21 » 30 May 2022, 13:15

Hi! You sound like me, I’ve had this fissure since the birth of my daughter 2.5 years ago. I do believe some of it is pelvic floor tension, it could be anatomy, and I believe it’s definitely got something to do with how we hold our tension. I’ve had A LOT of time to research this stuff & for me, what has begun to help is: taking L-theanine (I like Brain MD brand). This relaxes me and helps ease the involuntary muscle spasming. I also find dilation helps gently stretch the muscle, as well as pigeon pose. My diet has always been great and Im otherwise healthy. Stretch your pelvic floor muscles- tons of videos on YouTube, read up on GABA and L-Theanine, and make sure you have adequate intake of magnesium. For me, everything that was there around my Amy’s shrunk down when I started taking Rutin and B complex. That’s Rutin twice a day at 500mg and a B complex
Vitamin once a day). I hope this
Helps you!!
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Re: Chronic Fissure Anus anatomy

Postby septronius » 06 Jun 2022, 09:24

Mich21 wrote:Hi! You sound like me, I’ve had this fissure since the birth of my daughter 2.5 years ago. I do believe some of it is pelvic floor tension, it could be anatomy, and I believe it’s definitely got something to do with how we hold our tension. I’ve had A LOT of time to research this stuff & for me, what has begun to help is: taking L-theanine (I like Brain MD brand). This relaxes me and helps ease the involuntary muscle spasming. I also find dilation helps gently stretch the muscle, as well as pigeon pose. My diet has always been great and Im otherwise healthy. Stretch your pelvic floor muscles- tons of videos on YouTube, read up on GABA and L-Theanine, and make sure you have adequate intake of magnesium. For me, everything that was there around my Amy’s shrunk down when I started taking Rutin and B complex. That’s Rutin twice a day at 500mg and a B complex
Vitamin once a day). I hope this
Helps you!!

Thank you for the suggestions, I will ask my CRS about these when I see them.
I think you're absolutely right about holding tension. Due to the pandemic I was under a lot of stress from all the isolation since I have no friends and I'm an estranged child. I didn't realize that after the fissure had occurred last year, my mental state was in a downward spiral and I spoke to my family last weekend and I felt an emotional release and my body felt pretty relaxed.
I think that feeling of lacking tension is affecting my BM in a positive way, I don't feel any need to strain cause my muscles are overly tight and I've noticed that blood is very minimal. I went 3 days without blood so I'm seeing this as a great sign.
I'll continue my positive habits and try to build upon them.
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