chronic posterior fissure

chronic posterior fissure

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chronic posterior fissure

Postby naomi23 » 30 Apr 2021, 04:02

Hello all,

Firstly thank god for this helpful and friendly forum .. I really appreciate everyone sharing their experiences and the support offered.
I’m a 48 year old female in the UK and have suffered from hemorrhoids, chronic fissures and muscle spasms for approximately three years.

Have had a colonoscopy, hemorrhoids banded, 2x rounds of botox plus my chronic posterior fissure was stitched during my last procedure in March 2021.

7 weeks on and I can still feel a lump and swelling and have pain every day.
My regime is a good diet, Rectogesic, Laxedo, magnesium and take painkillers.
Finally after being very strong mentally, now feeling depressed/anxious after my three procedures and not having any success. Daily life dominated by my health and restricting my family's life too.
Think a sphincterotomy might be next on the list for me.

Want to be part of this community ... so I can share my experience and offer help and advice when I finally resolve my issues.
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Re: chronic posterior fissure

Postby Suxsomuch2 » 30 Apr 2021, 22:51

Naomi, I'm so sorry to hear about your continued troubles. This thing is a BITCH. You are a super strong person to make it through all this and I know you will defeat it! My only suggestion would be to ask your CRS if trying Diltiazem instead of Rectogesic is an option. I am a fellow sufferer and Diltiazem has REALLY REALLY helped me. Like to the point the pain is totally livable. I've just recently sought a second opinion because I had LIS and didn't heal (10 weeks ago), and he's suggesting I try a different med (don't have it yet, not sure of name) he thinks this new med might heal me whereas Diltiazem hasn't healed me but has made me painfree both before the failed LIS and after. I'll let you know how it goes.
Cancerous polyps May 2018
Confirmed polyps removed July 2019
Extreme pain November 2020
Diagnosed with AF January 2021
LIS February 2021
Not healed
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Re: chronic posterior fissure

Postby Suxsomuch2 » 07 May 2021, 22:56

Naomi23, I wrote a message a minute ago and it disappeared, so I'm sorry if this is a duplicate. How are you? I'm thinking of you and wishing you recovery.
Cancerous polyps May 2018
Confirmed polyps removed July 2019
Extreme pain November 2020
Diagnosed with AF January 2021
LIS February 2021
Not healed
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Re: chronic posterior fissure

Postby Keystonegal » 13 Dec 2021, 00:58

Hey suxsomuch - I had an Lis Feb 2021 and got Covid right afterward - maybe during surgery and I haven’t healed. Any ide what the new med name is that they were considering having you try?
Suxsomuch2 wrote:Naomi, I'm so sorry to hear about your continued troubles. This thing is a BITCH. You are a super strong person to make it through all this and I know you will defeat it! My only suggestion would be to ask your CRS if trying Diltiazem instead of Rectogesic is an option. I am a fellow sufferer and Diltiazem has REALLY REALLY helped me. Like to the point the pain is totally livable. I've just recently sought a second opinion because I had LIS and didn't heal (10 weeks ago), and he's suggesting I try a different med (don't have it yet, not sure of name) he thinks this new med might heal me whereas Diltiazem hasn't healed me but has made me painfree both before the failed LIS and after. I'll let you know how it goes.
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Re: chronic posterior fissure

Postby tx62 » 15 Dec 2021, 15:10

Sorry you are suffering.
Here is what has worked for me on my AF:
1) Drink lots of water -- I drink 3 large (~12 oz.) glasses in the morning and three in the afternoon (adjust depending upon your own needs). Especially important if much physical labor is done because one can easily become dehydrated. This became a routine and can be cut back a bit in the afternoon after healing has occurred.
2) Get a good night's sleep -- At least 7 hours a night for healing.
3) Ointment -- Ma Ying Long Hemorrhoids Ointment worked well. It can be ordered from Amazon. May not be right for others but it has worked for me.

4) Enema -- Relieves burning after a BM and gives temporary relief. Allows ointment to work while sleeping to heal.

Here is what has NOT worked for me:
1) Taking fiber supplements -- No relief doing this. It increased my need for water and caused hard BMs from time to time, and more irritation. However, I hope it works for others if tried.
2) Over the counter ointments like Preparation H and Anusol -- These did not help me very much, although I hope they work for others who try them.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
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