Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

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Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby Sufferingbadly » 19 Apr 2015, 06:10

I made some extra virgin coconut oil suppositories and used two of them today. One after my BM and one before bed. I'm able to function and actually walk around with very minimal pain. I still can't believe the amount of relief it gives me!! Usually after a BM I have to lay down and I can't move around for at least 3-4 hours, but when I inserted the suppository I was able to move around with pretty much no pain and more just of a discomfort, but omg it felt great! I am going to do this every day until my BM no longer hurt and I feel like it is really causing me to heal. I'm hopeful and I highly recommend anyone who is suffering with an immense amount of pain to try it too.
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Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby Deleted User 4175 » 21 Apr 2015, 07:20

where can you purchase coconut oil suppositories. I am in uk?
Deleted User 4175

Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby Sufferingbadly » 21 Apr 2015, 12:03

I don't think you can purchase them, I'm not sure though. I made mine so I had to improvise as far as what I used as a mold. What I did was I took plastic wrap (the kind you would use to cover food) and I wrapped it around my pinky (since that's my smallest finger). The plastic wrap works perfectly when you wrap it around your finger it stays together. I use extra virgin organic coconut oil. I scoop some coconut oil into a very small bowl, then I take a bigger bowl and put some warm water in it. I place the small bowl into the big bowl so that the coconut oil melts. Once melted, I pour them into my little molds and place them into the refrigerator to harden. I use them after I have a BM and I use one before going to bed. *Be careful if you feel like you have to pass gas because you could push the oil out and make a mess*

Hope this helps you just like it's helped me so far and I hope you feel better soon. I've only been doing this for 4days and i had no pain during my BM today. (First time in a month!) I think as far as helping heal the fissure, the #1 important thing is to maintain a super soft stool. Have a good combo of soluble and insoluble fiber in your diet. The coconut oil on top of that will just be a great combo for keeping the area moisturized, along with promoting the healing properties which coconut oil is know for having.
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Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby Deleted User 4175 » 21 Apr 2015, 13:56

Thank you Sufferingbadly. That is very kind of you to give me your tried and tested mold ideas. I will give it a go.
Deleted User 4175

Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby Sufferingbadly » 09 May 2015, 11:19

Update: I had a setback for a few days due to a very hard compacted stool... I changed up my diet, I lessened the amount of soluble fiber (I was eating oatmeal every morning with blueberries) I noticed the larger stools, no matter how soft, would hurt. So anyways, with changing that diet, my stools are smaller soft and easy to pass. I still use the coconut oil because it gives me 99% relief from itching, pain, and soreness. I had a perfect bowl movement this morning. The pain or more of a discomfort is still there for sure, but I 100% believe that the coconut oil a long with continuing to use the nifedipine for the muscle spasms, is really helping me heal! I am so hopeful, this is a loooong recovery process, but I have one more month till I have to go back to work so I am keeping my fingers crossed! I'd rather have this heal than win the lotto!
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Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby Fissurefrustration » 09 May 2015, 17:33

I have sitz baths with coconut oil and find it really soothing. Fingers crossed you get back on track to healing soon

Ff x
Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby halestorm » 05 Feb 2016, 17:07

Hi all,

Instead of syringing or making coconut oil suppositories, anyone know if lubing a finger with Vaseline and then coating the coconut oil around it will be just as effective?

I can get my little finger in and out quite easily with GTN or Vaseline, but it seems difficult with just coconut oil. Since I've been on GTN for 3 months without success, thought I'll stop it as for the past couple of weeks it seems to make the itching unbearable.
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Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby jay2502 » 06 Feb 2016, 11:26

did nothing for me other than stain my underwear and gym gear !
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Re: Coconut oil. Coconut oil. Coconut Oil.

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 06 Feb 2016, 15:57

for me coconut oil was temporarily soothing then made me feel really dry. so i stopped using it. recently been using mustard oil and it's been working very well.
Deleted User 4536

I got healed with coco oil

Postby messis » 23 Oct 2016, 06:51

Hi sufferer.
At least thats what I believe. After 40 days in pain snd blood I bought from a pharmacy a small bottle of coconut oil.... it was sold as aromatotherapy oil. I used it after BM and after swimming or dushing. It worked immidietly. Day by day. On the 10 day no pain no blood! Happy butt.

Is so? I think yes. It could also be that when I started using it I was about to be healed anyway. I cant say if its a coinsitend.... I dont think so...
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