cold water baths/immersion

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cold water baths/immersion

Postby Lin_2010 » 25 Jan 2021, 18:14

I realize this isn't for everyone, but if there are any cold water enthusiasts or curious to try out there, I figured I'd share.

So I started experimenting with cold baths for something totally separate, to help ease chronic lower back pain. I've only been doing it a couple weeks but noticed quickly that a rather pleasant side effect has been the relief it's given to my fissure. I now wait until after my morning BM to take my cold water bath and the results are immediate. Also it's kept my pesky skin tag from swelling as I'm in the midst of managing a re-tear.

It's certainly not a solution, but it has given me some relief.
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Re: cold water baths/immersion

Postby missy moo » 28 Jan 2021, 16:54

Yep all injuries are treated with cold packs in the sports field but you can also do hot cold 10mins each hot or warm promote blood flow and cold reduces inflammation so they work opposite. Hot or warm water can increase inflammation if used too long. I learnt all about it wjen i had mastitis while breastfeeding. I mite actually try a cold bath myself since im also managing a fissure flear up
missy moo
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Re: cold water baths/immersion

Postby Lin_2010 » 31 Jan 2021, 17:57

Thanks for the tip! I was doing warm sitz baths for awhile. I wonder if hot first then cold is the way to go?

The cold baths have made a huge difference with the inflammation for me.
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