Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

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Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby William2 » 13 Dec 2017, 12:53

I'm trying to prepare my "food" and drink (and myself) for tomorrow's prep for my colonoscopy on Friday. Hopefully, my doc can figure out the cause of my painful and bloody BMs.

I would appreciate any last minute prep advice that could be thrown my way.
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby chachacha » 13 Dec 2017, 13:05

My favourite "foods" during the prep, were chicken broth and green jello (the only colour allowed!). I found that I became less and less hungry as the day went on. I also drank massive tumbler-sized glasses of ginger ale mixed half with water to stay hydrated after each dose of the Pico-Salax. good lcuk today and tomorrow!
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby William2 » 13 Dec 2017, 14:33

Only green is allowed? I was only told to avoid red and purple.
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby chachacha » 13 Dec 2017, 14:38

I was told only green. Perhaps orange is too much like red? And I can't even think of any others, lol. Is this your first prep? I've done about 8 over the last 10 years.
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby William2 » 13 Dec 2017, 16:53

I have green and yellow jello. I actually found a site that said yellow and orange are ok, but green is not. Doing some googling, it appears that anything with red food dye is a problem. Green and yellow don't appear to have that.

Yes, this is my first prep. I'm only 49 and probably wouldn't have even done it next year except that it seems to be my only path forward to find out whatever is wrong with me now.
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby chachacha » 13 Dec 2017, 17:06

My mother had colon cancer so my siblings and I had to start having them regularly since 2003 (I guess it's been more than 10 years). I guess that now that I'm counting, I've actually only had 6 colonoscopies, but had to do a prep for a flexible sygmoidoscopy once too.
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby William2 » 13 Dec 2017, 19:31

Sorry to hear about your mother.

My family also has a history of cancer (many different kinds, but no colorectal). In fact, I had kidney cancer when I was 19. I suppose I should be more concerned about that, especially with all of the CT scans that I've had over my lifetime.
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby Ihatethisfissure » 13 Dec 2017, 19:49

Get a bunch of cans of progresso chicken noodle soup and strain it and heat the broth. Will taste like heaven I promise!
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby Ihatethisfissure » 13 Dec 2017, 19:53

Also there was one protein drink they said I could have... Don't remember which one but I drank a good bit of that... Doesn't taste great but has some norishment. I wanna say it was an Atkins drink.
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Re: Colonoscopy prep starts tomorrow - any advice?

Postby William2 » 14 Dec 2017, 08:52

First issue: I was going to eat that Better Than Bouillon stuff, but I can't see through it even when strained through a tea strainer. Guess I'm off to the store to get something else. :(
8/09 - 12/10: fissure, cured by LIS/fissurectomy
1/17 - present: fissure/hemms, healed but pain remained, 3 CRSs (nifedipine, infrared coag) were no help, cold dilating >= 1" helped but still have pain when sitting
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