Considering surgery

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Considering surgery

Postby Sgsh24 » 02 Jun 2017, 00:16

I've been suffering from intense anal itching for over 10yrs. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with chronic AF. I've tried many conservative treatments and am on a pretty good diet to eliminate problematic foods. The fissure has gotten worse and there is a fistula. I feel like surgery is my only option but I'm scared. I'm worried it will be painful and not work and have side effects. I'm a 37yr old female without kids.
Right now my pain is intermittent and mostly tolerable but the itching is absolutely unbearable.. I was recommended to have a fissurectomy and sphincterectomy, I don't know what to do, if anyone has experience or advice I'd love to hear from you.
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Re: Considering surgery

Postby Kv12 » 02 Jun 2017, 16:13

I'm day 9 post LIS, also had a fistula and a skin tag removed. The pain has gone from a 9-10 pre op to a at most a 3 for about 3 hours. It's not easy, I haven't had surgery since I was a child and it's so hard to sit, sorry lay around doing not much but I'm determined to not have any setbacks in my recovery.

I had an amazing consultant, who reassured me so much and carried out the surgery swiftly.

There are a few diaries on here to read through. It seems that if you have an underlying condition such as IBS or Crohns then your journey may take longer. If you read the thread 'op tomorrow' that is Mojo's story which appears to be bog standard (sorry couldn't resist)

Don't fear the op, get to see your consultant and don't delay. Good luck
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