Constant drainage of pus/mucus nearly 6 weeks after LIS


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Constant drainage of pus/mucus nearly 6 weeks after LIS

Postby Danadear » 30 Apr 2017, 11:18

I have had constant drainage of pus/mucus for nearly 6 weeks now following my LIS surgery. I'm sure it isn't coming from bumhole but from the base of what my surgeon says is an external hemorrhoid. It was rather large after surgery but shrunk to pea size and is above my bumhole. The drainage is coming from the base of it and it never stops. It started out with almost no odor but now smells horrible. I'm only sore from this constant drainage spot. I'm taking flagyl for something unrelated and was hoping it would clear up this problem too but it has not nor does it show any signs of stopping. My surgeon just told me to watch for signs of infection that would be night sweats, fever over 101 and nausea/vomiting. I have been running a low grade fever though on occasion of 99. something on and off but none of the other things. My body temp. usually runs low at about 96.something. This is so depressing and I am so ready to get on with my life and not to think of this anymore. Could it be I have developed a fistula? Should I seek out advice from another surgeon?
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Re: Constant drainage of pus/mucus nearly 6 weeks after LIS

Postby GilmoreGirl » 30 Apr 2017, 12:37

This may be an abscess or fistula - I have an abscess 4 weeks out of LIS. If you have a temperature, your surgeon should be investigating further, I would say.

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions yet, but it sounds like you would probably benefit from either going back to your surgeon and having them take another look or seeing a different CRS.

What country are you located in, if you don't mind my asking? Is it easy to get a second opinion?

- GG
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Re: Constant drainage of pus/mucus nearly 6 weeks after LIS

Postby Danadear » 30 Apr 2017, 12:47

I'm in the US. I suppose it would be easy to get a second opinion at least for 2 more months when my insurance runs out. I wasn't sure if I should with lack of high fever. ;-/
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Re: Constant drainage of pus/mucus nearly 6 weeks after LIS

Postby GilmoreGirl » 30 Apr 2017, 12:57

I would since it is fairly easy! I'm in Canada and I'd have to wait months for a second opinion, that's why I ask!

I was told any fever, even low grade, can be signs of an infected abscess. Also mine is NOT infected and the discharge has no odour, and I was told if that changed, if the area became very warm to the touch, red, swollen, or a rash develops (or if I get any sign of fever) to go right back to emergency.

Sorry you're dealing with this after LIS - the surgery is rough enough!

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