Could this be Internal anal Fissure

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Re: Could this be Internal anal Fissure

Postby mamafizz » 04 Mar 2017, 20:34

Scientist, Hi not sure if you are still around, but hoping for a bit of info. I was recently told by Surgeon my fissure was healed *at least he could not see at least on the surface I suppose, after botox about a month and a half ago after 6 months of Horrible spasms constant clenching from pain during that time,.. yikes, after the botox it seemed to thrombose or aggravate 2 internal hems, (never knew I had?!) should have known after having 6 But now the fissure is much better, but having these levator tenderness symptoms and not sure if internal hems can give these same symptoms or not? surgeon is always rushed and has not gotten back to me, Spoke to a Specialist on a phone consult, he recommended Diosmin which seems to be helping after a month on it so far it's a supplement for hemmroids. So just wondering, your experience or thoughts or remember other posts that this will go away!??? I am going to see a pelvic floor specialist but not sure if I should give it another month to see if the hems are what is causing it before disrupting anything else back there.. LOL any insight welcomed... Hopefully You are recovered and doing well? Did you suffer any similar symptoms?? Thanks Much
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Re: Could this be Internal anal Fissure

Postby Fred55 » 25 Jun 2022, 17:49

Hi kilmer406,
I know it's been a long time but was wondering if I could use some of your experience dealing with this as I'm having similar issues.
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Re: Could this be Internal anal Fissure

Postby kilmer406 » 26 Jun 2022, 16:11

Hi Fred55,

I completely forgot i had an account here :).

So as far as i remember after checking with many doctors and eliminating the possibility of hemorrhoids, fissures, fistula etc, one final doctor told me it seems you have a very tense pelvic miscles and he suspected this could be the reason, he prescribed some muscle relaxant to me and within days the problem was gone.

My theory is that at some point i got some irritation or may be a small tear that shouldn't be a problem but becuase i stressed so much about it day and night it caused this stress reaction in the pelvic floor muscles which made things worse.

Hope this could be of any help to you, i recommend getting checked first to eliminate the usual issues, if nothing is clear and doctors told you we dont know why you have these symptoms then consider googling Pelvic pain syndromes, there are alot of exercises and stretches that work for that

Wish you good luck and speed recovery
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Re: Could this be Internal anal Fissure

Postby Fred55 » 26 Jun 2022, 18:07

Wow kilmer406! I bet you I freakishly reminded you of your less pleasant days! but maybe in itself is pleasant as I see you've fully healed now, congratulations!
Yes, I've ruled out everything using all possible exams, however I'm pretty sure I got a fissure at some point which was healed, but I'm now experiencing persistent pain and discomfort especially when sitting. I'm going to focus on muscle problems. Do you recall what muscle relaxants you used? But don't worry if not as this was 8 yrs ago!
Thank you so much for your time.
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Re: Could this be Internal anal Fissure

Postby kilmer406 » 27 Jun 2022, 01:49

Hi Fred55,

Dont worry about reminding me, it was so long ago and i am glad its over :D

I dont really remember the muscle relaxant but i didnt take it for long to be honest like 2 days maximum, becuase i had to drive to work at that time and it wasnt recommended with the medicine.

What really helped was first of all the exercises and second and most important "dont stress about it" since you already rolled out all other reasons, i think my main problem was that my brain was completely locked on that area of my body causing all the body stress to go there.

I would really recommend searching for pelvic muscle stretching exercises, not strength exercises. And second try to relax about it and see how it will go :)
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