crs dublin?

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crs dublin?

Postby returnofpuzzledbutt » 10 Mar 2014, 15:36

Hi everyone was just wondering has anyone the name of a good crs in dublin. My crs up north isnt keen on doing lis so was thunking of travelling down south to c what they could do for me. I know months ago someone give me a name but i cant find it anymore. Thanks so much. Love and healing to u all :smilyhug:
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Re: crs dublin?

Postby owmybum » 11 Mar 2014, 14:14

I'm sorry you're having to " shop around" for a crs willing to do LIS on you. Why did your current one refuse to do lis??
Have you had a pressure test done?
You could try googling crs in Southern Ireland ??

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Re: crs dublin?

Postby returnofpuzzledbutt » 14 Mar 2014, 03:17

Hi omb, i havent had a pressure test he didnt mention it to me but i wod say like urself if he was going to do lis i wod have to have the test. Why im not going back to him is when i asked him about lis he was really negitive about it and lets say he didnt fill me full of faith abot it so i think if things got really bad again i wod travel to c simeone else. I havent bleed this morning and the pain has went down, still spasms now and then that wod take ur breath away but i will see how i go. Hope u have woke up to a painfree day omb. Thinking and praying for u xxxxxxxxx
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