Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom


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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Jimbfree47 » 04 Mar 2017, 08:18

Fyourmermaid sounds like a normal recovery. Hopefully the worst is behind you no pun intended
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Fyourmermaid » 05 Mar 2017, 01:55

Day 12- did i skip a day or have i just been counting wrong from the start? Monday is exactly 2 weeks though. Today i felt better than the day before. I did have to take a small dose of vicodin once in the morning after the first bm(pain 3-4). Ive had three bms so far and the second was just uncomfortable but no major pain. The third was pretty uncomfortable but i did not have to muffle a scream. I can sit for a bit longer but i do get the stinging pain a bit. I do not feel the fissure pain anymore. I cant tell you if its healed already as i havent checked but im sure my doctor will let me know on Monday. I ate a veggie omelette this morning. I also ate terriyaki chicken with lots of steamed veggies and very little rice. I also allowed myself some icecream. I hope the dairy and chocolate doesnt come back to haunt me but i figured i deserved it. I drink alot of water and unsweetened tea which for me helps so much because i easily get dehydated while breastfeeding which leads to harder bms. I am not doing sitz baths as often. Just when i have a bm it is necessary for the throbbing afterwards. I can not overly express the pain that i felt these last two weeks. It was so intense. I never want to experience that pain again and honestly feel like i have learned to appreciate my body enough to take more control. I dont know what caused the fissure but i am way more aware of how to have smoother bms and i plan on continuing what im doing. I think by the end of next week i should feel almost 100%. If tomorrow is the same i might skip posting but i definitely will post after my check up appointment on Monday. I really hope that recording this experience will help some one when they have to have these surgical procedures done.
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Fyourmermaid » 08 Mar 2017, 02:43

Day 15- yesterday i had my follow up appt. It went well but my fissure is not healed completely. Doctor said it would take 3 more weeks and that's when im going to see him again. Im doing alot better and i feel like i still need to be careful since its only been 2 weeks. I can sit for a long while but not on a hard surface. I didnt have to do any sitz baths today and only took 5mg of vicodin once for discomfort after running errands. I am still taking 2 stool softeners daily because im sure my bms would hurt more if i didnt. As far as pain level my bms have been typically a 2 to 3 in pain. Nothing like before the surgery. I am looking forward to exercising next week. My doctor gave me the ok then. Im so appreciative of all the support i received on here and it made the world of difference. Ill post an update if anything changes.
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Fyourmermaid » 08 Mar 2017, 23:04

Day 16- im in a sitz bath rightnow. I dont know if it was because my day was so hectic but the 5 mg of vicodin wasn't cutting it. I wanted to poat about how i have small specs of blood when i wipe. Its wasnt like this a few days ago. I think it happens when i wipe. I have to use baby wipsles if i dont take a sitz bath. It takes alot of baby wipes for me to feel clean. I dont have an incontinence problem but it takes longer to feel clean. Maybe this is why im bleeding? Even though im gentle. My pain has been almoat nin existent and im so happy im getting my life back. I just need to limit my activity but with 3 kids thats very hard. I forgot to talk about the hemmies that got removed. I noticed that i still have what seems to be a small skin tag and asked the doctor on monday and he said it would go down with the swelling. Honestly my bum looks pretty good for being a buml:). It also feels nice to wipe and not feel the hemmies.
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Harper05 » 10 Mar 2017, 09:13

I am 2 months pst surgery and still have some pain. some days it throbs after a BM some days I have little pain. I walk a lot, and just started running again. I don't think I'm doing any damage, but I don't know. I also do light weights. This issue has taken up enough of my life, I need to exercise!
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Mypoorbutt » 10 Mar 2017, 09:40

Is there anyway you could use a shower head or bidet to clean as if your wiping a lot you could be irritating the area. My CRS said that people with fissures should avoid wiping wherever possible
You sound like you are doing really well so that's good.
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Harper05 » 10 Mar 2017, 12:02

I do that....
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Fyourmermaid » 12 Mar 2017, 21:48

I dont have a bidet here in the US but i do use a squirt bottle. Im not having to wipe so much as before because i feel cleaner alot faster. It could be that my sphincter is healing tighter or it could be that my diet is back to normal (almost back but still being mindful of fiber intake). I have not had to take a sitz bath and honestly almost feel back to normal. But im treading lightly...i know its only been 3 weeks tomorrow. Also i did plan on exercise this monday but i have a horrible cold and i will postpone til i am better.
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby Harper05 » 13 Mar 2017, 08:14

what kind of food can trigger them? I don't know what a spasm is , I just throb.. I am contemplating making a doctors appointment. I am 10 weeks post surgery, and have good days and bad.
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Re: Daily journal after LIS of a 27 year old mom

Postby GilmoreGirl » 13 Mar 2017, 08:48

Fyourmermaid - that's great, sounds like you're well on your way to normal!!! Sorry about the cold though, it's frustrating when you just want to feel good again!

Harper 05 - I wouldn't say there are any foods that could trigger spasm...but make sure stools are easy to pass! That may mean avoiding foods that may cause you diarrhea or constipation, getting enough (not too much) fibre, maybe taking a stool softener, etc.

If you're having a spasm, I would say the sphincter should feel tight - like if the doctor was to try and do a rectal exam it would be difficult. For sure make a doctors appointment and get their opinion!

Is your pain coming from the fissure/sphincter or from the surgical incision?
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