Hello all, My name is Adam and I am 18 years old. I believe I have sentinel piles. It is not very painful but it is a little sore. I have had it for at the very least 6 months but probably longer. I went to my GI about a month and a half ago and she said I had two internal Hemmies and obviously to up the fiber. The internal hemmies are no longer really an issue but she never mentioned anything about the sentinel piles. I am going back in on the 15th to see if I can't get the sentinel tags removed. I assume if they have not disappeared over at least a 6 month period surgery is the only option. It just looks weird and feels weird. I do not think I have ever had a fissure so I am not sure how all of this happened. I just have skin hanging out of my butt and it is annoying. Im 18 and probably should not be having these issues... SMH. Anyway feedback from anyone would really be appreciated or if anyone has had a similar situation.