DAY 6 Post surgery PAIN after BM but Slip/Slide!

Day 6 Post surgery PAIN after BM but slip & slide!

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DAY 6 Post surgery PAIN after BM but Slip/Slide!

Postby Hatetopoop » 16 Jan 2014, 10:49

Day 6 after LIS, Fissurectomy and skin tag removal...finally my BMs are soft and slide right out with no pain going through!! Whohoooooo! That is a HUGE improvement for me! I do not have to worry or stand, or brace myself when I poop. The only thing, today I went three times in the morning and I think may need to cut back from two fiber pills to one per day.

The other thing I had terrible pain AFTER the BMs for a good 20 minutes. I am very sore and feel burning right afterwards, I suspect it's near the tag removal site. It is not a fissure pain but it is the same intensity. After about 20 minutes or so it does subside but still feels sore.

Please tell me this will improve? I hope so....I am still taking two advil per day after the BM to take the edge off and I walk around my back patio to keep my mind off of it.

I am hopeful but getting tired of this pain.
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Re: DAY 6 Post surgery PAIN after BM but Slip/Slide!

Postby LostForWords » 16 Jan 2014, 14:53

Its great that your BMs are coming out so easy, that will be your road towards complete recovery.

I would be more surprised if you diden´t have any pain! I mean, you just went through 3 different procedures. So if I were you I would try not to worry about it (I know that you probably can´t) as it would be very unusual if this dosen´t improve within a few weeks or so....
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Re: DAY 6 Post surgery PAIN after BM but Slip/Slide!

Postby Bettyblue » 16 Jan 2014, 18:02

Hate2poop, I totally agree with lost for words. You had 3 procedures at once, so the pain I think is expected. My CRS told me the most important thing regardless of what procedure you have is that you can feel an improvement every day, even it is slow or little you have to feel that things are going forward. So if you are having BMs without pain now I will call it a progress. Also you are taking Advil now instead or a more strong medication, I will call that a progress too. Hang in there hatetopoop, things will get better. Sending you a big hug :smilyhug:

P.S I don't have any pain, but today I am really sore and have a burning sensation.( had to endure 6 hours in a train in order to arrive home). I think you were right about soap, is drying out my bum. I will call tomorrow the doctor to see if I can clean only with water. The hair dryer was a great tip thanks! Also I am planning to have a sitz bath, do you add something to the water? Or is just with plain water? Take care.
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Re: DAY 6 Post surgery PAIN after BM but Slip/Slide!

Postby Hatetopoop » 16 Jan 2014, 18:05

Plain water nothing else . I use the bidet too...
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