by PNW » 27 Feb 2022, 07:05
James, mine was "superficial" doc told me incision was one inch (2.5 cm) long, half in half out. With no involvement of external, "minimal" involvement of internal muscle. I had no instructions to pack wound to keep it open. I stopped using any gauze after a couple days once the red tinged drainage stopped.
I was able to take two weeks off from work and I sat in recliner a lot. I took sitz bath after every bathroom visit. Did not use TP for a long time, using showerhead then sitz to keep clean. Transitioned to folded TP wetted with witchhazel. Back to normal TP routine after three weeks.
After fissure surgery in 2014, sitting was painful, not so this time.
I never looked at wound, never had pain or bleeding. My surgeon said 2% chance of recurrence.
Everyone is different, I wish you the best.