Did I "wreck" my surgery

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Did I "wreck" my surgery

Postby Pinklotus903 » 19 Feb 2018, 10:56

Hi Everyone,
I had LIS and Hemorrhoidectomy on Feb 7. Things were healing in a textbook sort of way. Well, since I have been so stressed for 2 months of pain with a fissure and at times not able to eat, I have recently succumbed to my old sugar addiction. And I have IBD and follow the SCD diet...so these sweets are not SCD legal...and they bulk up my stools. So i usually have 1 bm in the morning, but I had been stress eating and I ended up with a 2nd bm last night and it was wider than usual. I dont take stool softeners because mt stools are not hard. The softeners have actually given me more issues than help. So...righr before i had the 2nd bm i felt this kind of sharp twinge deep inside down there...and i had never felt it before. I imagined it was the bm irritating the cut made on my inner sphincter. So i released the bm and i felt a little bit of pain where i know my fissure was before. No blood or anything and the pain is nothing like it was before. Do you think it's possible i have delayed healing somehow? I am stopping the sugar now.
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Re: Did I "wreck" my surgery

Postby Mypoorbutt » 19 Feb 2018, 12:14

Hi no I’m sure you haven’t it’s probably just a bit of residue left from the second BM, I have crohns and had a flare which then led me to taking way too much loperamide in fear and desperation....so ten days after LIS I had a Bristol 3 BM which got stuck and I had to help it out, I was certain I had split my stitches and my fissure but...nope I went to my CRS and I was healing well. It’s a great sign that you had no blood as that means it’s unlikely to have torn either the fissure or the incision, maybe just stretched it a bit
Good luck and I’m sure your healing will continue well
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Re: Did I "wreck" my surgery

Postby Pinklotus903 » 19 Feb 2018, 12:43

Mypoorbutt I am sorry. That sounds pretty awful. I have UC, and usually tend to have loser stools, but since December mine have been normal. I had one episode of constipation while traveling, which started the whole fissure issue.(probably from the sugars and travel always messes with my digestion)
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