Dilation after surgery

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Dilation after surgery

Postby suzyljank » 03 Jul 2013, 07:58

Hi, I just wanted to share my experience with dilation. I honestly never thought about this before my surgery but after surgery it was part of my instructions for recovery. I had to start one week after I had double flap surgery. I initially thought my doctor was crazy because it really hurt. I did reluctantly follow his instructions. It wasn't easy because I have to do it every day. I'm now almost 10 weeks out from surgery and the dilation really made a difference. It's keeping the muscle stretchable and it's getting easier to do. I just go slowly. I have to thank jr2 for the recommendation of the pediatric dilators. I use the largest one now. I guess the dilation helps keep the scar tissue (which in unavoidable after surgery) from becoming tight. Whatever is does it's been a godsend for me. I don't know how long I will have to do this but if I have to do it everyday forever it's a small price to pay to stay healthy and pain free.
PS, I had my dental implant yesterday and today I look like a chipmunk. Pain is manageable. Thanks for the well wishes.
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Re: Dilation after surgery

Postby Ever the Optimist » 03 Jul 2013, 13:24

Hi Suzy,
I hope you are continuing to do well in your recovery and it's good to hear that Dilation is working well for you. As you say, anything is worth the effort and persistance if it gives us a fighting chance of getting back to "normality". Looking forward to hear you are getting better and better too, so please keep updating.
LOL at looking like a Chipmunk! Hopefully, you'll recover much more quickly from that procedure!! All the best........
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Re: Dilation after surgery

Postby Juls814 » 04 Jul 2013, 19:03

Hi Suzy, glad you are doing well ( except for the chipmunk face lol).thank you for the info- I had the fissurectomy and hemmoroidectomy four weeks ago. I'm still sore, but its not enough for any sorts of painkillers.. my Dr also suggested the dilation, and I actually asked him if he was nuts. I do notice a difference though. Thanks for the info about the pediatric dilators- I will be looking for those! Good luck to you and speedy healing!
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Re: Dilation after surgery

Postby Carole18 » 15 Dec 2016, 17:22

Hi Suzy,
I am so glad I found this forum. I had an apprently over-aggressive Hemorrhoidectomy 4 years ago and have never been the same since. Unbeknownst to me I developed severe anal stenosis and through this forum heard about flap surgery. September of this year I went to a renowned surgeon in South Florida who performed an anoplasty with a single house flap. I did great for the first three weeks after surgery with normal large size bowel movements, I couldn't have been happier. But of course scar tissue began to grow at the opening of my anus causing another structure, so I feel as if the flap surgery was for nothing. I don't think surgeons are as informative as they should be and wish I had been sent home with dilation instructions. I have since gone back for two dilations under anesthesia and he has given me the go ahead to start using the pediatric ones starting with a size 12 mm. I ordered the set today and will receive them tomorrow.
This whole process has caused depression and feelings of helplessness. Now that I have something tangible that I can use to help myself I am starting to feel better. My doctor feels I will never make the 19 mm size however. Any help or information you can give me would be greatly appreciated. He never told me how many times to use it or for how long I should leave the device in. He only said it may take a couple of years. I trust the advice of people who've actually gone through this process more than I do him anyway. Thank you in advance for listening and I really look forward to any advice!
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Re: Dilation after surgery

Postby Savaici » 15 Dec 2016, 21:25

:wel: to the Forum

Suzy had a double flap, and started dilating right after surgery. Sorry that your surgeon did not start you on dilation immediately, but you will be starting soon and that is good. I will post Suzy's posts link below and hope this will give you some info. I did not have surgery, but I dilated for about 18 months which helped get rid of the dreadful spasms that I suffered. I also used the pedriatic ones, starting with the 9mm if I remember rightly. I think I stopped on 15mm. I also used Sliquid Organics Lubrication Gel, which was wonderful. I dilated three times a week, and with my own rhythm of how long I kept it in. I just "listened" to my body. It helped me, and though I will always have to watch what I eat, and never be able to eat things that I truly loved (curry, etc) I am happy. I lost about 30lbs with my fissure, and am now back to my usual weight.

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Re: Dilation after surgery

Postby Carole18 » 15 Dec 2016, 22:36

Thank you so much for your response. So with the 15mm you are able to go without pain? I hope my scar tissue is not too far gone!
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Re: Dilation after surgery

Postby WittyJokeAboutMyButt » 06 Jan 2017, 22:01

Savaici, do you mean that you healed just from dilation? I had a failed LIS--had surgery 4 months ago, and here I am posting on this board! I read a couple of journal abstracts on new dilation techniques that seem really effective and I would rather go that route that a second operation. How long did your self-dilation take before you truly felt it was working?
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Re: Dilation after surgery

Postby Savaici » 08 Jan 2017, 22:20

Nearly a year! Takes patience and time.
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