Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby StevePain » 15 Mar 2010, 10:57

0.1% doesn't seem right to me, I mean even nitro was 0.2%, but everywhere i've looked it says 2% Diltiazem.. to be honest I can't see what 0.1% will actually do, it seems a waste of time, i'd definitely query it NG..
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 15 Mar 2010, 11:07

Steve, yup I searched around and am 100% certain that 2% is right. 0.2% isn't going to do squat.
Cheryl, I've had the same thing happen with the pharmacy giving me the wrong stuff before. This is the first time it's happened with the doctor writing the wrong Rx. I know for sure it was written wrong too because I remember looking at the Rx and thinking "oh that's the same % as nitro and nifedipine so it must be right." I didn't think to double check it before filling it and blowing money on it. I wish I'd made a photocopy of the Rx just in case they point fingers at the pharmacy, but at this point I don't care, I just want the right thing.
Frankly mistakes happen to the best of us so it's not a big deal to me that I was given the wrong Rx. I mean it sucks but doctors are human too. I just wish the freakin' desk staff would be a little more open to the mere possibility that sometimes doctors make errors too, instead of telling the patient some completely irrelevant stuff (and the word "stuff" is just a placeholder here :)) like "some prescriptions are as low as 0.1%." Doesn't matter what other prescriptions are, we're not talking about those!!! Since I'm the one suffering from the damn fissure, it's in my best interests to get the right stuff so please just check with the doctor and don't patronize me, that's all I'm saying Image
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby StevePain » 15 Mar 2010, 11:15

I totally agree NG, the truth is, you actually know a hell of a lot more about your condition than some stupid receptionist, patronizing isn't the word!! Who cares about other prescriptions, we're talking fissures here!! It's paramount that you get the correct % Image
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby cherylk » 15 Mar 2010, 11:23

I never b/4 checked the "%" b/4 on my tube, but it is 2% Diliatzem, and .01% for Bethanechol. So I think the Bethanechol is the base. Hang in there, NG, and try not to get too upset about the error. It might only upset your digestive system!!
On a positive note, I am making great progress with my tax preparations today (which I hate). I know I am boasting, but I procrastinate (like many others) until I finally do something.
Collectively, we're probably a whole lot smarter than some of our docs!! (because we are more interested in our butts healing) :roll:
Lastly, Steve, I like your new avatar!! Don't know where you found it!! I did like the chocolate bunnies, however!
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 15 Mar 2010, 11:31

Yup exactly -- the doctors may be the experts, but we're the ones suffering, so we have a bit more of a vested interest! It's the same reason I work on my car myself whenever possible. The mechanics might be a lot more skilled, but you can be sure I'm a lot more careful since I own and drive the stinkin' thing. Plus when it comes to fissures, how can one not be knowledgeable from just being on this forum all the time Image
Cheryl, you're only a mild-moderate procrastinator :) After all there's still a whole month left haha. I submitted my return about 2 weeks ago because I had a $13k refund coming (forgot to adjust my withholdings for being married and having kids) but of course the IRS is taking its sweet time processing it. Something tells me that if I owed, they would've processed it just a wee bit quicker :)
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 15 Mar 2010, 11:39

Ok it's officially W.T.F. time now. Just got a call back from the doctor's office and they say 0.2% diltiazem is correct and that 2% diltiazem is for heart problems. I'm so frustrated, I didn't know what to say so I just hung up.
Any idiot that does a quick google search can clearly see that it's supposed to be 2% diltiazem. I was going to get LIS from this guy but screw that now.
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 15 Mar 2010, 11:49

Alright just had the desk folks leave a message for the doctor to call me back. I'm so f'ing frustrated and pissed. I really shouldn't be but for some reason I am. All I wanted was to try the stupid diltiazem and then get LIS done. Now I'm having receptionists tell me the diltiazem everyone else is using for a fissure is for heart problems and asking me if I've tried the 0.2% cream yet, to which the answer is "yes and it didn't do jack ****!!!" Enough bothering you guys with my complaints, time to bury my head in a tub of 0.2% diltiazem and take a painful bloody crap now uuugghhhhh!!!!
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby cherylk » 15 Mar 2010, 12:02

This forum is for venting. You don't bother me one bit with showing your frustration. Maybe sometimes it should be .2%??? I really never thought about it previously, just used the ointment, and it worked fabulously!! We'll get my son through pharm school, and then he can be an honorary member here (and an interested one), so we can consult with him!! He's almost done with his 3rd year, but I don't know if he has learned about butt creams yet!! I'll throw an online party for him after he graduates!!
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 15 Mar 2010, 13:54

Thanks Cheryl! I just got off the phone with the doctor. At first he told me that it was supposed to be 0.2% diltiazem but I asked him to please double check on Google, and guess what -- he did while I waited on the phone and said I was right! So he's calling in my 2% diltiazem Rx right now. Fingers crossed that the pharmacy will have it ready ASAP. I would never have known if it weren't for you all :) Irritation level down one level from Red Alert to Orange Alert now :)
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Re: Diltiazem: cream or ointment?

Postby cherylk » 15 Mar 2010, 14:17

I think you and Steve first started this discussion! Like I said, collectively this group is probably a lot smarter than some of the docs!!! :roll: But I realize they are stressed out and overworked! (and overconfident also sometimes in my humble opinion=think they are so much smarter and more intelligent than their patients--but we know that we are smarter sometimes than they are!!) Now your BP will start to fall! Maybe you could ask for a refund/credit since it was clearly their error. You won't get one if you don't request it!!!
Last edited by cherylk on 15 Mar 2010, 14:24, edited 2 times in total.
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