Discussing surgery options: LIS vs fissurectomy with botox

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Discussing surgery options: LIS vs fissurectomy with botox

Postby tightbutt5678 » 11 Jun 2019, 08:17

I have been reading a bit about treatment options for chronic fissures and what I've gathered so far is something like this:
- LIS: 95% success rate, small risk of permanent incontinence
- Fissurectomy with botox: 85% success rate, small risk of temporary incontinence, longer/more painful recovery maybe?
- In terms of risks, what else am I missing?
- Is fissurectomy performed less frequently because of higher risk of infection? Or is it because the recovery is longer/more painful?

I have now gone 3 weeks without spasms, most of the time just discomfort after a BM, sometimes I feel tightness a few hours after but a sitz bath then rectogesic fixes that quickly. I feel keen to go for surgery because I just want my life back. Even though I'm not suffering intense pain anymore I just feel so tired of not being able to live a normal life, travel, go out for a glass of wine, eat a slice of pizza occasionally etc etc. My diet and routine is so incredibly strict but I don't see any improvement these last weeks and am beginning to lose the fear of surgery. I just don't know which route to take...
- February 2019 : Fissure
- Tried all of the creams, perfecting the diet, self dilation
- Reduced symptoms significantly but still not healed
- July 2019 : LIS with tag removal
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Re: Discussing surgery options: LIS vs fissurectomy with bot

Postby Tryingtorelax » 12 Jun 2019, 01:24

I wish I had good advice to give you. I’m scheduled for LIS on July 2nd and it can’t get here fast enough. I’m just praying they don’t find anything else during the surgery as the doctor could not get a good exam in the office because I was in so much pain. I am worried about the complications but I am so ready to have my life back! I’m praying this surgery gives me relief!
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Re: Discussing surgery options: LIS vs fissurectomy with bot

Postby tightbutt5678 » 12 Jun 2019, 03:09

Hi Tryingtorelax, that's great that you have the surgery scheduled! I am sure you will have relief after!
- February 2019 : Fissure
- Tried all of the creams, perfecting the diet, self dilation
- Reduced symptoms significantly but still not healed
- July 2019 : LIS with tag removal
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Joined: 07 May 2019, 04:10
Location: Adelaide , Australia
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