Do I have a fissure?

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Do I have a fissure?

Postby hansagan » 07 May 2017, 20:50

Hi all, just need some information from anyone who might have it. About a week ago I passed a motion with maroon blood mixed into it. I've seen the doctor and he's booked me in for a colonoscopy on the 16th, but I'm just looking for some possible peace of mind to get me through the next few days. Is it at all possible / likely I have a fissure?

Some details:

The initial BM was very large, and felt like it had a hard, even sharp tip (Sorry for details). After the head was passed, it all seemed to come out in a rush, and there were streaks of maroon blood on the stool, and mixed into the softer poop that came after. Is it at all possible that the stool scratched or tore the colon on the way down, and the blood was sitting for a while behind it before coming out? Has that ever happened in anyone elses experience?

This morning I had another BM with some bright blood, but it was the largest / hardest stool I've had since the original one, so I'm wondering if that's an indicator. Neither had any pain, but I've read that fissures can be present without pain.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Do I have a fissure?

Postby patience_and_healing » 13 May 2017, 23:04

Blood without pain is usually an indication of an internal hemorrhoid. It's good to go get checked out to find the cause of the problem. In the meantime, you can start taking stool softeners or laxatives to decrease irritation on the area from hard stool.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
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Re: Do I have a fissure?

Postby Bum_UK » 14 May 2017, 05:19

Also increase your water intake as well. Try to drink at least 2-3 litres per day particularly if you use an osmotic stool softener.
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