Doctor frustration

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Doctor frustration

Postby hurtinend » 16 May 2019, 17:12

I won’t go into my sordid history. Been struggling with old fissure and chronic pelvic pain for years. Have had a myriad of tests and scans.

3 months ago I finally got my long waited colonoscopy. All it showed was a benign polyp, 2 small internal hemms and some minor redness in rectum. Was told by gastrointestinal doc that this was no big deal and have a nice day...

Recently I have been having horrible rectal pain, glass shard feeling with bm, and blood. Just saw my primary care doc last Monday. He just passed it off as my typical pain syndrome and sent me on my way. I asked for a few things, like an IBD med, or fissure cream/suppositories. He wouldn’t give me anything. He has been treating me with sympathy for years but I get the feeling he’s tired of me and doesn’t believe me. He didn’t even look at my rear end.

Today I passed more blood and am in extreme pain. I can barely walk.

What do I do I’m mad at my doctor and getting another one in this city is next to impossible other than walk in clinics or emergency.
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby Vicouscycle » 16 May 2019, 17:56


Do you know if this is your fissure flaring up again? A sharp pain like pooing glass sounds familiar. Do you get spasm after BM? I would suggest talking to another doctor but if it’s near impossible, then go back to your doctor and explain how this is affecting your qualify of life. Your primary care provider should work with you for next step and also effective pain management.
Also if you’ve had chronic fissure before, you can go back to your fissure diet/treatment, Nitro/Nefidepine/sitz bath whatever has worked before. For pain, my doc has suggested Nurofen 400mg + paracetamol if the pain is too much. Hope you feel better soon.
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby hurtinend » 16 May 2019, 19:41

thank you

I already explained my suffering to my doctor. He offered nothing. Yes I believe the evil fissure has returned.

Paracetamol etc does nothing. I even have morphine for chronic pelvic pain, it only takes a bit of the edge off.

I can’t take fissure ointment if the doc won’t prescribe it.
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby Vicouscycle » 16 May 2019, 19:53

Do you use supplement to keep it soft? In Australia, you can get Nitro without a prescription but I think that’s not the case in most other countries. I don’t think it’s fair for your GP not do anything. If that’s the case, you really need to get another doc, even just to get the prescription.
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby hurtinend » 16 May 2019, 21:42

Cannot get fissure ointments like nitro or diltiazem without prescription in Canada

Guess I’ll gave to wait it out at a walk in clinic and hope the doctor has some knowledge of fissures.

I’ve been down this road before. The ointment doesn’t do much I fear this will never resolve
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby Vicouscycle » 16 May 2019, 23:46

I hope you get some relief soon! I know what you mean by ointment doesn’t really work... I’m 2 days after Botox procedure and still recovering from the injection. Hoping it will get better.
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby SueMac » 17 May 2019, 09:48

Hurtinend - I know how you feel being fobbed off. My crs took a look says fissure healed the scar tissue may cause soreness (what forever???!!) and nothing more we can offer you. Goodbye. I felt like he’d smacked me in the mouth.
I’m sorry to hear of your setback it is heartbreaking when you just go backwards again. I agree put in all the usual conservative methods.
Why do doctors not seem to get how distressing all this is.
I recently had ten days of no pain - I felt ten years younger. Pain returned yesterday.
Hugs to you and my sympathies
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby hurtinend » 17 May 2019, 18:48

yes thank you

What do we do? Today I’m 10 out of 10 on the pain scale. As a male my rectal burning seems to cause a cascading radiating pain right up into the pelvic perineal area. Completely debilitated.

Feel like I have exhausted medical options. My thought is to go private and pay through the nose and pray that some doc can help me.

In the last 4 years I’ve gone from a highly functional person to an unemployed nothing. No I’m not nuts.
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby patience_and_healing » 17 May 2019, 23:55

It just might be worthwhile to go private and see someone who can figure out how to help you. Maybe you can call pain management doctor's offices and screen them by asking if they can help with your specific problem, as well as telling them what treatments you've already done. That way you could hopefully minimize the chance of seeing a dud doctor.

And I just wanted to add that you are not an 'unemployed nothing'. You are inherently worthy, and you deserve to be pain free and healthy again.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Doctor frustration

Postby Abu » 18 May 2019, 04:24

Totally agree with Patience here, you deserve to have a normal pain free life just like the rest of the suffering people around here.
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