Drastic improvement in symptoms....

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Drastic improvement in symptoms....

Postby jay1975 » 20 Sep 2015, 19:19

Hi friends,

I wanted to take a moment to report on my improvement, and also pass along info regarding what I've been doing that I think is helping.

...basically, I've been off pain medication for the last month and a half. I've seen drastic improvement during this time (I'm not out of the woods yet !), but I would say that I'm about 90% there. Here's a list of things I'm doing which I believe have gotten me this far:

1. No need to mention diet..we all are most likely doing the same thing..high fibre, etc

2. Gummy Fibre. I take 8-10 of these each day, typically 2 or 3 at a time, all before 3PM
http://www.amazon.com/vitafusion-Fiber- ... ll+gummies

3. docusate sodium, 300mg at about 6PM

4. Extremely large amounts of water. Also, I drink lots of water at night. I make it a point to wake myself a couple times, typically midnight and again about 3AM and I consume lots of water.

5. This will be controversial, but I'm often having multiple BM's per day. I ALWAYS have a very good BM in the morning, but at least a few days a week I'll also go late afternoon. I know that for many of us, there's a reluctance to have a BM unless we really need to go. This is to limit the pain/trauma of the BM. Up until a couple weeks ago, I was the same way. If I had to go a little in the afternoon/evening, I would hold it in order to avoid the trauma. Well, a couple weeks ago I really needed to go, and the size wasn't all that large. I also went the following morning, and the size wasn't as large as normal. I now firmly believe that it's better to have several smaller BM's than one large BM....it sort of makes sense. So, I guess what I'm saying is that if you feel like you need to go, then you should just go.

I hope this info helps !
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Re: Drastic improvement in symptoms....

Postby owmybum » 22 Sep 2015, 10:30

That's great jay!!
You are so right.... Holding it in is never a good thing to do... Really dries the bm out.

fissure after hem banding and tag removal feb 11
Pelvic floor therapy
Botox June 13
Internal flap July 14
EUA and polyps removed Nov 14
Diagnosed with neuropathy Jan 15
Diagnosed with HS EDS type 3 (causes poor wound healing )
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