Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

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Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby Jagermyster » 25 Oct 2018, 08:44

Hi everyone i had LIS surgery on july 5th for a chronic fissure that i had for about a year. I healed up pretty fast but now 4 months later iv started experiencing this dull aching pain in my rectum for no apparent reason.I did end up with a skin tage but it doesnt hurt when i touch it, t and theres no blood in my stool and i dont feel any re tear and i have had it looked at by my family doctor and he cant see anything. Im now waiting to see my crs again on nov 23rd but am really depressed. What could this pain be, nerve pain or the sphincter muscle that was cut? Im at la loss.
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Re: Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby Jagermyster » 26 Oct 2018, 16:45

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Re: Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby patience_and_healing » 26 Oct 2018, 18:56

Have you noticed anything that could have set it off? Like any changes in physical activity or BMs? It may be residual scar tissue causing the pain and that's something that can be resolved through PT. It might be helpful to try some gentle pain relief to help with the stress that it causes, like icing or warm baths, until you can see the doctor. Ask them to put you on a cancellation list if that's an option. Take care, and try to distract yourself from focusing on the pain.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby Jagermyster » 26 Oct 2018, 20:11

Thank you. No im not sure what would of set it off. I work out of town and when i was up in camp last shift i gradually noticed the achiness coming on and now its quite a bit worse with burning and sometimes it feels like i have a golf ball up there. Iv been taking 800mg of advil at a time which doesnt help and iv been applying dilitiazem and proctol hemmorhoid cream in and around my anus which so far isnt doing anything. I have another appointment with my family doctor when i get home from work next week but if he cant do anything ill be going to emergency if this pain keeps up as i cant deal with it.
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Re: Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby Thorgrim » 27 Oct 2018, 08:29

I do not want to set you off on a wrong path, but does it "feel" like a golf ball, or is there a golf ball? If there is a painful bump, you might want to get that checked out asap as it could be an abscess, unlikely given the time line of your surgery. I do not want to scare you, but would hate for that to happen to anyone after dealing with LIS and a fissure, the other symptoms are low grade fever and urine retention. I had LIS two weeks ago and have all kinds of weird feelings going on, I believe the incision sight is turning into scar tissue and is not the same as normal tissue and I've been having some itching. My butt also feels bigger which kind makes me think there is something up there. I hope everything works out for you.
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Re: Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby Jagermyster » 27 Oct 2018, 11:10

It doesnt feel like an abscess. So far today the pain isnt terrible but i havent gone to the bathroom yet. I dont have a fever or anything and i havent seen any blood or puss in my stool as of yet. I pray to god that whatever it is either resolves itself or i can get it dealt with when i get home. My appointment with my general surgeon isnt until the 23rd of november but i have another appointment with my family doctor and if that goes nowhere ill be going to emergency.
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Re: Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby Thorgrim » 27 Oct 2018, 20:18

I hope you pull through and it turns out to be nothing, but I would consider trying to see a/your CRS, do you know the type of LIS you had and was it done by a CRS? Sending prayers ^ for you.
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Re: Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby Jagermyster » 29 Oct 2018, 15:21

This may sound weird but is there a chance my lis could have aggravated my prostate resulting in a prostatitus. The pain almost radiates through my whole pelvic floor.
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Re: Dull aching pain started 4 months after LIS

Postby hopeful87 » 12 Dec 2018, 09:40

hi Jagermyster,
how things went so far for you ?
i kind of feeling what you felt,and im 4 weeks after surgery .
fissure diagnosed : 2013
LIS :13 Nov 2018
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