by monts » 09 Jun 2015, 13:50
Hello Lorraine - I've been following your posts and I must say they have been very insightful. I'm a new member and I've also scheduled to do Dr Feingold's Kenalog Procedure within the next two weeks. Can you say how your recovery process has been thus far ? have you noticed any improvements since you had the surgery ? I've been dealing with this Fissure for the past 4-5 months ( I also have internal Hemorrhoids) and its been a cycle of ups and downs. I've had bad weeks, manageable weeks and good ones as well. Currently I don't have much pain during or after bowel movements but there is still a sensation of burning that last for hours or maybe a day after ( dependent on how many times I go and how Big the bowel movements are) Pain can be any where from a 1-7 at its worst. Apart of me just wants to wait this out a little more due the fact that I am not in much discomfort presently but another part just wants my life of psychical activities back ( lifting heavy weights or doing anything strenuous seems to aggravate the Fissure). Is the pain your feeling post surgery worst , the same or better prior to surgery ? Any thoughts you can share would be greatly appreciated.