Happy to report that I am finally healed! I'd say I'm 97% healed. I only say I'm not 100% because things still look a little different at the fissure site and I have very occasional twinges (notice I don't say PAIN!) at the site. Here's what I did:
After suffering for 1.5 years I finally went to a colorectal surgeon. I had previously been to a gastro who had given me nitro which did nothing for me at all. The CS told me I needed a fissurectomy and botox back in October 2012. When I called to schedule I asked about recovery time and the scheduler told me 4-6 weeks!!!! I freaked out and couldn't miss that much work so I asked if I could just do botox, which is what I ended up doing. Botox alone was a complete waste of time for me... it actually made it worse (there's stretching involved to get to area they need to inject and it just ripped it right open farther). Anyway, I work in the school system so I waited until my summer break to have the fissurectomy and botox. November through June were terrible months. I couldn't exercise really and I couldn't stay anywhere away from home without major problems and pain. It was terrible. I finally had the fissurectomy and botox done July 1, 2013. It was the best thing I ever did and I wish I hadn't put it off. The woman scared me with the recovery time, but I was only really out of commission... like missing work out of commission... for one week. It took longer to fully heal (6-7 weeks for me), but I wish she hadn't scared me away from having it back in October.
Now I will say, after the surgery was nowhere near as bad as I braced myself for. However, I wasn't healing as well until I found my routine that worked! I use Key-E Suppositories every night (amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Carlson-Laboratories-Key-e-Suppositories-24-Pack/dp/B001LF39IS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378381788&sr=8-1&keywords=coconut+oil+suppositories). They are cheap and work wonders for me! I have a BM every morning, so by using these at night, everything is lubricated the next day. I REALLY believe this is what has helped me heal post surgery! I have tried every cream imaginable. I tried that Dr. Wheatgrass stuff and that did nothing, but I actually put a little of that on top of the suppository... I figure it can't hurt! I still get into the tub after a BM, but it's not necessary for me at this point. I think I just want to keep up with this routine until everything LOOKS normal, but right now everything FEELS normal, which is all that really matters!!! I am able to run and exercise without any pain at all. I can sit for as long as I want and I *almost* can forget it was ever there! I had given up hope at one point and just thought I'd have to live with it forever, but there is hope! Don't put off the procedure your CS is recommending and then work like crazy afterwards to keep stools soft and find what works for you! I do also use miralax. I put it in my cup of coffee each morning. These are routines I will keep up with for as long as I'm not afraid of a relapse!
In summary, for me, fissurectomy/botox, coconut oil suppositories at night, and miralax in the morning has HEALED ME COMPLETELY!!! Yay! Don't give up hope for getting your life back and not being consumed by thoughts of butt pain!