Finally had LIS surgery

LIS diary - 36 year old female

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby Water Bear » 26 Nov 2017, 17:14

Hi all, I could've gone back to work today but have leave booked in anyway, so I'm using it. I have a desk job, though - if I had a more active role I would definitely take more time off.

It's now 10 days since my procedure and I still get a little pain on and off from the site where the fissure was excised. This is similar to AF pain but not as severe. The LIS wound looks good, though. The bruising is fading and the swelling is going down.

My CRS did not mention dilation and I've read some medical articles that say doctors used to do it (the 'manual stretch') before LIS was perfected, and it often resulted in uncontrolled tearing of both the internal and external sphincter and therefore incontinence. I won't be trying it for that reason, but I can understand wanting to ensure the muscle doesn't tighten back up again. Maybe it is better to try to get bulkier BMs that naturally stretch and relax the muscle?

Marko - I agree with getmylifeback and Finally81 - a colorectal surgeon can help. In the meantime, nitroglycerin ointment (sold as Rectogesic in my country) is recommended for fissures and can relieve the pain while you wait for surgery.
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby getmylifeback » 26 Nov 2017, 20:46

Going back to the dilation topic, my doc suggested that I be on Metamucil as a part of my everyday routine, it bulks up the stool without making it dense so it keeps the elasticity of the sphincter. Sounds like a much safer and convenient way in my opinion
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby Water Bear » 29 Nov 2017, 21:58

Tomorrow will be two weeks since my LIS. So far, so good!

I'm able to do everything I would normally do without discomfort - the only thing I'm not bold enough to try yet is really intense exercise. I am however able to go on long walks without any problems.

The advice I was given was to wait until everything is fully healed - the six-week mark - before resuming high-intensity training or doing heavy lifting.

I have to say, in my experience this recovery has been far, far easier than the recovery from Botox and haemorrhoid banding about nine months ago. The Botox took longer to take effect, aggravated the veins in the bottom, and didn't produce a lasting result. And it was really expensive...
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby getmylifeback » 30 Nov 2017, 12:59

Happy for you Water Bear, im glad that everything is going smooth! All is well for me too, I hit my 2 week mark after you. Hasnt been bad at all, glad to be going through this with yall, and we all can get back to our normal ways again!
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby Finally81 » 30 Nov 2017, 15:44

Today is my 2 weeks post op. I feel good. I have had a little blood on bm’s-(not today though)-just kind of feels like I am being stretched a little ... then again, I had 2 fissures removed. I have my 2 week post appointment tomorrow. I have not put any medicine or creams on the wounds. I do 2 fiber drinks a day. Day and morning. Konsyl. Also doing 3 sits baths a day. I am feeling better and better each day. Glad to hear you guys are doing well!
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby Water Bear » 30 Nov 2017, 20:17

Two weeks today! Great news that you guys are doing well too!!

I still have some discomfort, like a slight burning, with some BMs (not all - what's up with that?!). Other than that, I'm feeling totally normal and wondering why I didn't do this ages ago!

No signs of incontinence. The sense of urgency when I do need to go is slightly stronger than normal, but I live in a house with two people and only one toilet, and I have been able to 'hold it' without trouble!

Bruising has disappeared.

The edges of the LIS wound are still slightly raised/swollen but I guess that'll go away as it heals. It is a tiny wound - less than 1 cm long - even though my surgeon uses the 'open' technique, which relies on a bigger incision than the 'closed' technique.

The fissurectomy site has healed over already.

On your suggestion, getmylifeback, I've added Metamucil to my day and it is great at producing bulk! It's really helping me. Gotta keep the muscle nice and stretchy.
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby Finally81 » 30 Nov 2017, 20:40

I figure the burning is from the wound stretching. Mine has that same feeling. The bulk stool really stretches it (perhaps that is where I get a tad of blood?). I have the stronger urge as well when I need to have a bm. I try not to do any holding though and no pushing. Slow and steady. I will say that it is a fear of mine going back to work- in a meeting and having to run out or being stuck in a situation where in can’t go right away.

As far as healing- I have an itching sensation as well.

You are braver than me. I have been too scared to look back to see the incisions or brusing. Haha.

Sounds to me like everyone is doing great. How are you doing with work?
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby missy moo » 01 Dec 2017, 01:12

Hi guys a question for the lady's did the surgeon say they don't like doing this surgery on females? As my surgeon told me this?
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby getmylifeback » 01 Dec 2017, 02:07

I agree guys, just a soreness for me from the site where they took away some tags, and some slight burning. Bleeding stopped for me two days ago, just a bit of discomfort parts of the day but i feel pretty normal.
And Finally81, i believe the itching sensation is the wound healing.
As far as work, Ive been back since 4 days ago, and I just tell people I had stomach surgery and they are pretty understanding. No need to go into more details, but its good to let your coworkers know you just got done with some procedure so you get some slack.
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Re: Finally had LIS surgery

Postby Katie » 06 Dec 2017, 14:01

Missy moo yes my surgeon said she don't like doing the op in woman x
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