by Water Bear » 17 Nov 2017, 20:23
Hi everyone,
I finally had my LIS surgery yesterday after suffering chronic AF issues for close to two years. I had tried GTN, it worked well but the fissure returned pretty much as soon as I stopped using it, and had Botox treatment 9 months ago (bought time but really wasn't worth it in the long run). I decided to go with my CRS's advice and have the surgery.
I had to fast from midnight before the operation and head to the hospital at 7 am for the 9 am procedure. They gave me a Fleet enema at the hospital, which was not fun but also necessary given you don't want to have to have a BM right after the op.
As always with surgeries, there was a lot of waiting around and being asked lots of questions before I was wheeled into the theatre and dropped off to sleep.
The surgeon dropped past to see me after I woke up and said the LIS went well and she also removed a little skin tag (surprise!).
I had a rough time with the anaesthetic yesterday, nausea and low blood pressure, but had no pain until this morning, when the nerve block wore off. The pain is probably 3 out of 10, and nothing like the intensity we experience with fissures. I have taken ibuprofen just in case it's thinking about getting worse...
Yesterday I spent the day lying around and trying to walk to the bathroom and kitchen a few times. I was weak and dizzy after the anaesthetic and had a very churny tummy. I felt like I needed to 'go' several times but nothing would happen, and so I managed to hold off until 4 am, when the residue of the enema seemed to trigger a liquid BM. It didn't hurt much and there was only a little blood.
Today I feel much more human, but I am freaked out by the amount of bruising and swelling down there. There are two small burns where the LIS incision was cauterised and where the skin tag was burned off. There seems to be a lot of swelling in one external haemorrhoid, I hope it is not thrombosing... I feel like the bottom belongs on a baboon. My advice if you have this done? DON'T LOOK!!
The hospital sent me home with Benefibre and Rectogesic. My CRS said not to put Rectogesic on there while the wounds were still open, so I haven't used it yet.
I will post more as I recover. I hope this info helps!