Finally had the LIS and Fissurectomy Surgery

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Re: Finally had the LIS and Fissurectomy Surgery

Postby daffodil_in_pain » 28 Aug 2013, 01:51

Just want to say thanks for sharing your experience. Gives me some perspective into my post-LIS BM pain.. pales in comparison to yours. Posts like yours give me hope that things will eventually look up :o 
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Re: Finally had the LIS and Fissurectomy Surgery

Postby rooster » 01 Sep 2013, 11:00

Thanks for the support resume and daffodil in pain. Daffodil in pain I am hoping your recovery is going well.
I am one of the lucky 1-3% who get the infection/abscess complication. Yeah! Unfortunately I have had the abscess professionally drained twice and have finished a 10 day course of antiobiotics (Flagyl) and the abscess still reforms every morning. This likely means that I am one of the lucky 50% whose abscess turns into a fistula. So baby results in fissures, fissure surgery results in abscess and abscess results in fistula. What's a fistula surgery going to result in??? I'm so wishing for a new butt for Christmas and am really hating my doctor at the moment. The good news is that the fissurectomy seemed to work fine, but now I have ongoing pain from the LIS site/infection/abscess. This is very frustrating...
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Re: Finally had the LIS and Fissurectomy Surgery

Postby Rooster2 » 10 Jan 2014, 19:24

Quick update...4 months later. The two fissures and the resulting fistula (from the lis) healed fine. Got another abcess on one of the fissure sites. Very painful getting that drained and it turned out to be a fistula. Had surgery on Tuesday and am starting to feel better today. Fingers crossed. My baby is 10 months old today so I'm really hoping this is the last of the procedures because it's been 10 painful months and I just want to focus on my family...not my butt issues!
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Re: Finally had the LIS and Fissurectomy Surgery

Postby havefaith » 11 Jan 2014, 14:23

holy, reading that sounds so incredibly scary, im so glad things worked out for you in the end. you are strong as ever for going through that as well as working and being a mom. You and so many other people on this site are some of the strongest people ive ever heard of. I hope that youre recovery has gone smoothly and at this point it is a thing of the past!
I have faith in you always, i love you like my own son or daughter, when you hurt, i hurt. Let us all be each others guiding light, and heal without anxiety :) Much love to all.
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Re: Finally had the LIS and Fissurectomy Surgery

Postby skumar » 12 Jan 2014, 06:41

Hi Rooster, I can completely understand your pain. Working mom and fissure, with me the add on was second pregnancy too. Alone fissure brings so much pain and restlessness so with these add ons only the sufferers can feel it. You are very strong for sure. Just believe in God and think that may be he wants you to sort all these issue when your baby is small. When she grown up to 1 yr then your are completely a new bionic woman to take care and enjoy the life. My doctor this bionic term to me. My daughter is just turned 3 months and I am around 6 weeks post Lis , fissuretectomy, tag removal. You have through so much and this is the end of your pain. Tomorrow will be no butt issues for sure. I will pray for you in my daily prayer. I can completely understand your pain, that's all I can say. You can pm me if you want to vent your frustration.
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Re: Finally had the LIS and Fissurectomy Surgery

Postby scared ann » 17 Jan 2014, 15:21

Hi rooster? How are you?how things with you?
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