Fissure and Hems but zero blood

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Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby hurtinend » 18 Jul 2015, 13:52

Since my ordeal began a long time ago I have never seen 1 drop of blood on paper or in stool. My specialist was very surprised by this, I dunno as the pain continues so does the mystery.

Today, sitting is next to impossible.
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby Scientist2516 » 18 Jul 2015, 22:33

Hi Hurtinend, I never had any blood either. Can't explain it, at all.
I'm sorry sitting is so uncomfortable. I had to try several configurations of office chair and cushions before I could manage. The hot water bottle really helped. I used to sit on it all day (if you are going to do this, don't fill it too full!).
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby hayleyw » 21 Jul 2015, 09:24

When I first developed the fissure blood wasn't uncommon. However as I write this the fissure is worse than it ever has been after a year and a half of having it. Strangely enough I have't seen a drop of blood in months even though I feel like I tear worse than ever after each BM. There seems to be no logic to it.
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby msimon » 21 Jul 2015, 12:13

Think of it like a paper cut. I have had many that never bled but were painful, which is especially surprising considering the size. I actually felt better when it would bleed for the first couple of days, then worse again. Very strange indeed.
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby hurtinend » 21 Jul 2015, 14:19


I have never felt intense spasm that many report, until the last 2 weeks, wow, radiating waves of pain, even 12 hours after bm.

Finding it difficult to work, took my first sick day in 5 years today. Close to giving up.
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby Scientist2516 » 21 Jul 2015, 15:42

Hi hurtinend, don't give up! The pain is horrible, I know, but it will pass I promise. Are you using your nitro cream? Are you using any pain killer? I used ibuprofen, and while it didn't stop the pain, it did take the edge off to where I could function. Take the pain killers pro-actively before the pain starts.
I think the nitro should help, but don't use more than a tiny blob (lentil sized) to begin with. Work up to a pea-sized blob over several days. This should prevent nitro-headaches from being too bad.
Never give up. Live through the pain. I can say this because I've lived through it. I know it's exhausting and debilitating, but it does come to an end.
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby hurtinend » 21 Jul 2015, 15:55

I'm sorry I don't want to be negative, I have worked really really hard, went vegan, went homeopathic, at one point my bathroom was stocked with medical gloves and every butt potion possible. At best, I found minor relief for a week, most relief found with coconut oil.

Diltiazem stings me and makes it all worse, nitro....did nothing after 3 months.

I have 1.good bm daily, soft. No straining, no blood, great, I eat very healthy. BM at 7 am, pain starts at 8 am.

Can't work anymore, the proctologist I saw is stuck in 1960, I'm just done. Just went back to my general doctor yesterday, he was sympathetic, took another look, said its all red and very irritated. Told me to use lidocaine on it for 1 week, prescribed nifedipine this time.

Got a referral to a real CRS in Vancouver, recommended by msimon on this board and thank you msimon.

Appointment set for January 7th, ok wow.
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby msimon » 21 Jul 2015, 17:58

So sorry to hear you are doing so poorly. I completely understand the negativity. Don't give up though. It will get better, it's just going to take time, patience and a whole lot of tolerance. I hope the nifedipine helps. It's been the best one for me. Definitely the least irritating to the skin. How often do you use the ointments? I think twice a day is the minimum.

As for the CRS appointment, did you call the office directly to ask about a cancellation/waiting list. Sometimes this can get you in sooner, especially if you sound really desperate on the phone (I have perfected this sound by now) ;)

Our healthcare system can be Sooooo frustrating. Sure everyone gets it but everyone gets the same lousy long wait times. It sucks!
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby hurtinend » 21 Jul 2015, 18:16

Twice a day is the recommendation for nifedipine.

Yes, I am on the cancellation list for Dr Karimuddin.

Health care in Canada is good if you have a life threatening condition, fissures don't rate on the priority list.
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Re: Fissure and Hems but zero blood

Postby jay1975 » 26 Jul 2015, 11:38

I have a similar experience:
At times I do see blood...sometimes so much blood that you would think I should be dead from bleeding out. Interestingly, the times when lots of blood is present is when I experience no pain at all.

Conversely, when there's no blood is when I experience the most pain. My current flair up is pretty much blood free and the pain is very significant.

..I'm pretty sure this means something...
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