Hi Everyone,
I’ve been reading these posts for 8 months now, but I’ve just decided I really need some input
Anal fissure 1/30/18
the worst pain of my life until LIS 5/10/18
annoying twinges of pain and spots of blood from LIS incision site since then but the spasms were totally gone and I saw the fissure getting smaller
doctor said my fissure was healed 7/4/18 even though I was still had a bit of fissure pain and still couldn’t go to the gym because of it
August- I’ve been having some pain directly from my fissure site. It’s been 13 weeks since my LIS...is this normal? It happens during bowel movements and I have some pain after. Nothing compared to what I experienced before the LIS but painful enough that I can’t concentrate at work. Also having trouble keeping the area clean since the LIS because of my skin tags and the doctor said this could be forever. But has anyone experienced fissure pain this long after the LIS?
Any experienced will help...just looking for a bit of reassurance that everything is okay.