fissure healed yet sensitive after two years

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fissure healed yet sensitive after two years

Postby davminos » 13 Oct 2020, 09:15

Had an awful anterior anal fissure about two years ago, it is healed, recent anal exam by doctor confirmed it. Yet, have to be very careful every morning, some mornings great, other mornings have to be very careful not to push too much as it begins to feel pain but then I stop and take great care to poop. Usually, I'll apply some vaseline and that helps stop any pain. Doctor says it can be sensitive for a long time and I have to be very careful not to reopen even after a long time healed. It's not hard, it is soft stools but if too bulky it can be a problem. It does not bleed and the pain doesn't continue once I stop pushing and exit out very carefully and does not have the awful sharp pain the rest of the day. Does anyone have this problem and does the sensitivity/pain ever go away? Any way to get back to normal all the time? Thanks in advance.

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Re: fissure healed yet sensitive after two years

Postby patience_and_healing » 19 Oct 2020, 00:08

That area of the body is very sensitive and remembers injuries even after they are healed. I would suggest doing some gentle scar massage using coconut oil to try and reduce the sensitivity.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
11/19: Botox to pelvic floor
8/20: Botox to pelvic floor in new location.
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Re: fissure healed yet sensitive after two years

Postby davminos » 05 Nov 2020, 08:42

Thanks very much and sorry for my delayed response. Great suggestion, but now think it might have opened up a bit, so dealing with healing again after so many months. sigh.
Salt Bather
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