Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitting

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Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby soey » 23 Oct 2014, 06:25

you have pain when your stool touches the int sphincter? this sounds ALOT like the problems I'm having. The only pressure test i got was i finger up my anus.. thatsnot very reliable if you ask me.. And i was drugged(Because of the extreme fear of re-tearing during an exam). I remember her putting her finger up there, then she asked me tp push as if i had to go for a BM. I did, and she said 'oh this feels fine'. I'm so glad i passed gas in her face! :P I'm sorry, but it's a bit hilarious ;P
Havent had alot of burning latelt, except this morning, but this always happens when it's getting close to the time of the month.. :(
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Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby Alyssa » 23 Oct 2014, 17:45

I have burning all the time but I feel it flare up even worst at the time of the month too... I just received an email from a crs doctor letting me know that has approved the pressure test. I should expect a call to schedule the appointment.
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Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby soey » 24 Oct 2014, 10:14

Good for you, that you're finally getting a pressure test! Do you know how they do it?
Good luck, keep us posted! :)
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Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby Alyssa » 24 Oct 2014, 11:51

I don't really know exactly... But some people mentioned that a balloon is placed in the rectum and you have to expel it...
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Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby Alyssa » 29 Oct 2014, 16:45

My Pressure test is scheduled for Tuesday November 11, 2014.. I hope this test can at least give confirming answers to why I continue to be in pain.
2/14 Fissure developed
3/14 Diagnosed w/ fissure given Nifedipine
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Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby owmybum » 29 Oct 2014, 17:36

Hi alyssa,
With the pressure test, they insert a small baloon which they fill with different amounts of water to measure pressure, capacity etc. you do not have to expel it.... You just say when it feels like you can't hold it any more, or when it would feel like you need a poo. Nothing to it really.

I hope you get some answers from it.
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Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby Fissurefrustration » 03 Mar 2015, 11:58

I know it's an old post but I'm the same! 'healed' but burning after BM and when sat down or walking around.
Suffering since June 2013

Methods tried:
GTN cream - migraines!
Manuka Honey / Coconut oil / Aloe
tag excision X 2, botox x 3
dilatation 2 X daily + Retin-C Vitamin Scar Treatment Oil 2 X daily - best thing ever.
Now pain free 2/7/21
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Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby Deleted User 4175 » 14 Oct 2015, 07:27

soey, How are you nowadays with your scar tissue issues and sitting? Have you discovered something to help with this. I read your post from last year and can relate to your difficulty in sitting. One of my scars is at 7oclock just inside the anus so I feel it a lot when I walk and of course sit.
Do hope you have found some relief.
Deleted User 4175

Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby Deleted User 4175 » 14 Oct 2015, 07:27

soey, How are you nowadays with your scar tissue issues and sitting? Have you discovered something to help with this. I read your post from last year and can relate to your difficulty in sitting. One of my scars is at 7oclock just inside the anus so I feel it a lot when I walk and of course sit.
Do hope you have found some relief.
Deleted User 4175

Re: Fissure is healed but still have burning pain when sitti

Postby valentinak » 10 Jun 2018, 03:19

Alyssa what has happened with you after your last post? How are you feeling, did this pain go away by itself after some time...or did you do something to heal it?

My case is kind of similar- had a fissure (a light one) that healed with Diltiazem. However, i was left with a pain around the left side of my butt where the fissure was. Doc says it is healed and he even cant see where it was (so no scar). But I see my stool is much slimer than normal, and when it is just a bit more hard it causes discomfort and dull pain (on some ocasions it can happen even when it is not hard at all).The strange thing is that some days I go to tge toilet in the morning ..and it is ok, minimal discomfort that goes away in 10 min...and then all of a sudden in the late afternoon a feeling of pain, bruiseness, and a bit of warmth around the left side can occure. Also the palce can get irritated from longer hours of sitting.

I get so desperate now cause even it is not so strong of a is still there bothering my life. And if I have 5/6 days of calmness then i get into 2/3 days with irritation of the palce. I was wondering what you did and did it go away completely and for good?
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