Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

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Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby becsbum » 13 Mar 2013, 15:12

Just had my 5 week appointment today. I had been dreading it because I KNEW my fissure was still there, since I was still having pain when I sat for long periods (especially driving). Lo and behold, the fissure is gone. She said my butt looks as good as a teenager's :) and she can't see any source of my discomfort. She thinks that the fissure, while irritating, may not have even been the main problem since my discomfort when sitting was my biggest problem (I had some burning after BM but I hadn't even been concerned about that. That is gone now though).
I have struggled with "unexplained pain" before - this one called vulvodynia because it was in the vaginal area - which I finally got under control through physical therapy. So it's not a huge surprise I guess that I could have a similar symptom on my rear end. It's just extremely annoying. I was wondering if anyone else had anything like this, and what they tried.
I am frustrated that the surgery didn't fix the problem...but I am glad at least that the wound healed, as it had been there since I first saw the CRS in October (surely longer).
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Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby jr2 » 13 Mar 2013, 15:20

Could be a lot of things, and since you have had vulvodynia before, I would think it isn't a stretch to consider some kind of similar nerve type of problem in the anal area. It could just be that the nerves need more time to calm down after your surgery and after having had a fissure. You might want to get a referral back to a physical therapist at some point if you don't see improvement. A PT might be able to help out with neuralgia and even with muscle and scar tissue involvement.
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Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby Deleted User 1775 » 13 Mar 2013, 15:43

Becsbum, hi I am glad your fissure is healed. I have a few questions for you. I have burning pain still after lis five months ago. I have had two CRS say they don't see a fissure but I still have this burning pain. Mostly about a hour after going to the bathroom. And it's all day until I go to bed. It does not bother me at all when i sleep. When there is a day I don't go to the bathroom it feels a bit better. It is worse if I set to long or walk or stand along time. Is your pain like a burning pain? Does your pain happen more if you go to the bathroom or it doesn't matter? I fought a burning female parts off and on for many years it was never a yeast or bacteria infection but nobody ever gave me a answer why. Just gave me creams. I sure feel like my fissures are still there. I just want the burn to go away. Any advise please.
Deleted User 1775

Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby becsbum » 13 Mar 2013, 16:19

Hi Jd - wow, it does sound similar. The pain is a burning sort of pain. For me, it is worse when I sit for a while (and then it lasts the rest of the day). Going to the bathroom doesn't seem to make a difference, though I know if I go several times in a day that can aggravate it. I rarely have a day when I don't go once though so I don't know if that would help! The thing you describe as "burning female parts" sounds like vulvodynia. Before I was diagnosed they gave me tons of creams that did nothing; eventually, a physical therapist was able to fix me up. I am planning to go to a physical therapist my CRS recommended if this doesn't calm down on its own in a month or two. I think it could be the nerves misfiring as they have been so used to being in pain due to the fissure. What do you try when the burning starts up? I am going to try heating pads and see if that helps at all. Yesterday I used a heating pad when driving in the car, and found that I did not feel pain until later than usual.
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Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby coconut » 13 Mar 2013, 16:23

This kind of unexplained pain often clears well with acupuncture treatment.
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Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby Deleted User 1775 » 13 Mar 2013, 16:40

Thanks becsbum! Do you live in the United States? How did you get physical therapy? Did you ask your CRS for it? It seems like I go to many doctors and they just give me creams, that make me burn more. Does it bother you when you walk or stand a long time? Sorry for all the questions. I am going to my CRS who did the surgery also a gastro next week.
Deleted User 1775

Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby becsbum » 13 Mar 2013, 16:46

Yes, I'm in California. Are you in the US also? My CRS had a couple of names of physical therapists who she recommended. These people specialize in pelvic floor issues. I think if you're going to see yours soon, you should ask. The thing is, my CRS said this is not what she would expect from a nerve problem down that may be why your CRS did not suggest it sooner. But it is so similar to the problems I had before, it seems like a good idea to try.
I do have some trouble when I stand for a long time though not as bad as when sitting. Walking isn't bad most of the time - I find a lot of the time I forget about it when walking.
I also did notice an OLD post about someone using a low dose of antidepressant to fix a problem that sounded a lot like ours. I don't have time to search on it right now. I think it helped her. You might try searching and then ask your CRS about that as well (I forgot to do that!).
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Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby becsbum » 14 Mar 2013, 08:36

Jdchurch I was just reading about pudendal neuralgia. I hope neither of us has it as it sounds difficult to treat! But I am curious why neither of our doctors have mentioned it. I will ask mine when I see her next month.
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Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby Deleted User 1775 » 15 Mar 2013, 11:32

Becsbum, yes I looked into that and it scared me. I hope we don't have that. I think the nerves are all going crazy in that area. I can't wait to go to my CRS I am so tired of this. I have some good days but still aware of the area. Then there are days were it felt like my fissure days. I don't know what to do anymore. Yes I live in the us too. I travel with my husbands job so we are all over the place. This makes it very hard to see or find great doctors. I did see a CRS in Boston where we are now and she said she doesn't see a fissure but reddens and irritation but said she doesn't deal with that. So I am flying back to Michigan to see my CRS who did my surgery and a gastro doctor. I hope they can figure something out.
Deleted User 1775

Re: Fissure is healed from LIS but still have pain when sitting

Postby becsbum » 15 Mar 2013, 12:46

Good luck with your appointments! Please let me know what you find out!
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