Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

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Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

Postby Severelydepressed » 26 Jan 2017, 07:53

Hi all,

Weird to be back here already. I had LIS on 3/31/16 after suffering for 7 miserable months with multiple deep fissures after a really bad bout of constipation.

Surgery went well, so it seemed and I felt healed.

However, the past two weeks I was constipated. I go everyday very regularly but it seems like the stool just wouldn't come out when I went. Like it was right there but couldn't seem to come out. It wasn't necessarily hard or anything either. No changes in my diet, tons of water and mostly vegan diet. Not sure if it was due to my pending menstrual cycle or whatnot.

But now I distinctively feel a cut. My heart feels like it's dropping. I was on miralax every other day half a teaspoon but now back to taking it everyday.

Has this happened to anyone? This doesn't seem normal. I feel pretty hopeless at this point since I already had surgery.

Please any advice would help.
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Re: Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

Postby Mr Fissure » 26 Jan 2017, 11:41

Hello Severelydepressed

Really sorry to hear your story. It might be little consolation to you, I know, but at least here you aren't alone in your suffering! :(

Unfortunately I can't really give you any advice, as I haven't yet had an LIS, but having had this damn fissure for 10 months and counting, I have some understanding about your state of mind ! :~!@: It really is a truly horrible condition, that has such an impact on your life, yet outwardly you look no different.

I'm almost certainly going to have to have the LIS in the coming months, as I've tried everything else to no avail, but from what I've read, an LIS won't necessarily guarantee you won't ever get an AF again, but it will help any fissures that you do get heal, due to the fact that the surrounding IS muscle shouldn't be as tight anymore. Consequently the wound gets the necessary blood supply to allow healing to take place, and prevent the condition ever becoming chronic. That's my understanding anyway, but maybe others who've had this experience can lend some advice to you here...?

Please don't lose heart though. Its tough at times like this I know, and its difficult to speak to people about our 'problem' (I guess that's what these boards are for!?) , but keep your chin up, keep doing all the things that have helped you recover in the past and I'm sure you will get better.

Take care and good luck
Mr F
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Re: Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

Postby chachacha » 26 Jan 2017, 14:33

My CRS said the same thing. You may still get another fissure(s) in the future, but they should heal quickly because of the LIS. Good luck and I hope that all is better soon.
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Re: Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

Postby Severelydepressed » 30 Jan 2017, 08:20

Hi Mr F,

Thanks for your hopeful and calming reply. That is my understanding as well, that if it recurs, that it should heal more easily. I can only hope and pray that that's how it will be. I guess the one good thing about having been through this before, is knowing to start the AF regime right away. I'm also not in much pain compared to the times I had it before my surgery, although I can definitely tell that it is extremely vulnerable right now back there. One slightly harder stool can totally set me back even more, so I'm doing everything I can to avoid that and hopefully the cut is healing. Really want to avoid a second surgery, but with this thing, it's so unpredictable...I don't even know anymore.

At this point, I definitely don't regret having LIS as I was in debilitating and agonizing pain before and it did give me 10 months of my life back, and most importantly hope. And to be honest, it's nowhere near the pain I was experiencing before. But of course, the mental trauma still lingers because I know how bad it can get if I don't fix it or with one wrong BM. I hope it does not become chronic :( I am 28 years old and I have not had children yet, so this is also another constant worry, as I've heard childbirth can aggravate these things even more. With a pre-existing condition, I'm terrified. But what can you do, but fight through and try to have a positive attitude that these things will heal in time! Right??? Patience, oh boy, does it require patience!

I read your story though and I'm hoping that you are healing. You have been dealing with this since last April? That's around the time I had my LIS surgery - after seven months of living in pain, with daily panic attacks, and dread surrounded by my BMs and restrictive diets. Have you been considering surgery at all? I dreaded having surgery and never thought I would have it, but ultimately gave in due to my life being so miserable, and it wasn't anything nearly as scary as I thought it would be. The ups and downs of this can be so draining more than anything else. And then you worry that you're bothering everyone else around you with your self-pity and pain, and the pressure to be positive! Which I want to be, but sometimes that is really hard. But I know people on this board understand. Hang in there, Mr. F, we're all in this together. Thank you for taking the time to write to me. xx

chachacha - so good to to hear from you! always a bright figure on this forum. I'm hoping so as well as that's what my CRS told me. I hope that you are still doing well and living a fissure-free life! Thank you so much xx
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Re: Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

Postby suzyljank » 30 Jan 2017, 09:51

Hi, I'm sorry you're having trouble again, May I ask why you stopped taking miralax? I had a failed LIS and then had 2 advancement flaps done and I was told I'd need to keep my stools softer so miralax would just be a part of my life. It's safe to take doesn't get absorbed by your system and it doesn't have a taste. Once you have surgery on your behind it's never going to be the same as before. Fissures can heal but when they open then heal and continue to do this they cause scar tissue and unfortunately scar tissue just doesn't stretch, it tears. I'm close to 4 years out from my flap surgery and I still sometimes have to adjust my miralax up or down. I went through a period where I was taking just under a half dose and then things were getting uncomfortable it took me a while to figure out I needed to adjust my dose up a bit and it helped. Now that I know that it's what I do. I take a little under a dose at bedtime. If I get stressed or don't eat enough or drink enough I have to increase it just a bit. Try taking the miralax every day. Find the dose that works best for you. Good luck Suzy
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Re: Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

Postby Mr Fissure » 07 Feb 2017, 09:20

Hi Severelydepressed

I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, but I didn't get the usual email alert, so only just seen your reply now - but thanks too for your supportive words...

And no problem, at all, it was the least I felt I could do, even though I wasn't able to offer much sound advice..., as you say, we're all in this together!

So how are you now?! Its been 11 or 12 days since your original post, hopefully now you've seen some improvement and that the healing's much quicker thanks to your LIS ?! If its proving slow to heal perhaps you could ask for Rectogesic/GTN oint. to give your spinchter a helping hand if the tone is still a little tight...?

I can empathize with your concerns re: child-birth, as right now I feel like my sex life will probably never be the same again either thanks to this fissure...not a great thought for someone who still harbored hopes of meeting the girl of his dreams one day... :( The mental trauma of an AF really is under-estimated by the medical world. Its incredibly difficult to stay positive at times, with the impact it has on your life and the frequent knock-backs the condition brings...

Thanks for taking the time to read my story too. And yeah, I got my AF on Easter Friday last year, so would indeed have been a similar time to your LIS! I've been considering LIS for some months now, part of the issue is that I'm not really in pain any more unless I do something to aggravate it, more just discomfort, so my GP isn't keen on recommending me for surgery, whilst I'm still showing signs of improvement. However, the AF is still there, its just I've adapted my life to such an extent to manage it, that its not so obvious anymore. I stand all day at the PC (sitting for more than an hour still hurts really bad!!), I've stopped driving, I don't go out anymore, can't exercise (re-tears it!), cant have sex (ditto!) etc etc.. So all in all, I'm just existing at the moment, NOT living.

My parents and family feel like my GP, that I should just be patient, and I know they have my best interests at heart, but there'll come a time soon when if I still can't function normally then I'll have to admit that its not good enough and bite the bullet and go privately to see a CRS....

Anyway, enough about me. I sincerely hope that the next time I hear from you, that you're well on the way to recovery and starting to go about your normal life again...fingers crossed for you x

Take care
Mr F
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Re: Fissure Recurrence 10 Months Post LIS

Postby Hope21 » 31 Dec 2018, 17:54

Hi SeverelyDepressed,

I know its been a while but I'm checking back in to see how you are feeling? Did the LIS work better?
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