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Postby Flo » 24 Feb 2018, 06:15

I am new to this site. After seeing 2 GP' who didn't diagnose a fissure, they just told me to keep using my normal hemmeroid cream, I ended up paying to see a Colorectal Surgeon who diagnosed a fissure; he prescribed a cream to relax my muscles and everything cleared up fine. Unfortunately, the fissure has opened up again and i'm back to square one.

Im doing sitz baths and even sat on the hot water bottle. The cream doesn't seem to be working like it did before. Im fed up with it, I've had this since last October.
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Re: Fissure

Postby Mypoorbutt » 24 Feb 2018, 08:27

Hi, it’s very common for gp’s to miss a fissure. If you are using cream that is old is probably won’t have the same effect as they have a use by date when opened.
Could you get your gp to prescribe the same cream as now you have been diagnosed with a fissure by a CRS then they should be happy to do that and also refer you to a CRS on the NHS if the one you saw privately also works for the NHS ( and most do ) then you should be able to request to see him or at least someone on his team.
Or you could phone him back up and ask to see him privately or ask to be put on his NHS list.
In the meantime keep up with the baths and try putting a barrier cream on before a BM as it will protect the fissure from residue. Also try not to wipe with toilet paper after a BM try to use a shower head or portable bidet to clean the area, as toilet paper will irritate the fissure.
Good luck
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