Does anyone have experience with these whose had a good outcome?
I have a previously healed AF (2009) with a large skin tag that caused me long standing difficulty passing stool and gas but surgeons recommended no surgery until it started causing me pain. Skip forward to 2015 and now a new AF for the last 2 years. The tag seems like its inflammed lately as well.
I've done all the conventional non invasive treatments and my surgeon says its time to cut. In the beginning he was talking about doing LIS, but is now saying fissurectomy and a modified Lords Procedure is my best bet. Reading about them online is giving me nothing but anxiety.
I go back to see surgeon again in 2 weeks to discuss further, but when I asked why not LIS last visit he just said that in his experience patients in my situation and presentation do better with fissurectomy and Lords as the LIS is too high risk for incontinence.
This seems to contradict everything I read online. Frustrating....