First, a big thanks to the people in this forum for their valuable advices. This has helped me a lot !
I had my fissures cured in 2 weeks and I would say it has healed completely and back to normal 100%. I did these :
- Tried to address the root cause rather than treating it externally with creams. It comes down to the food we eat. Change your food habits. Reduce your food intake during this time. Have your fiber intake and increase it gradually. I used to have wheatbix+Milk OR Greensalad with Grapes, strawberries, olive oil, carrot, cabbage for my breakfast (all in medium quantity). For lunch i had less than 100 grams of rice mixed with beetroot, brocoli and for dinner i just had an apple and 100g Sweet Potato OR 1 Orange OR 1 Avocado.
- Coconut Oil. This is magic ! a real magic. I bought a syringe and flused around 5 ml of cocnunt oil into my anal opening atleast 5 times a day. Also massage gently your rectal area around 3-4 times per day and that would help you feel relaxed and quicken the healing process. I used coconut oil more than the hydrocortisone cream the doctor prescribed :) and it did wonders !
- Exercise. Do not stay down at the same place thinking over the pain. Get out of your bed and do some active exercises. The more blood flow , more quick the healing will be. I practice yoga supine asanas for 50 minutes in the morning and 50 minutes in the evening. Used to have a light walk for 20-30 minutes. Surya Namaskar, Uttanasana, Ardha Halasana, Pavanamukatasana, Naukasana, Halasana, Shoulder stand, Matsyasana, Bhujangasana, Ashwini mudra are very effective and practising it daily for 1 week will help you heal very quickly.
- I did not buy a sitz bath but used the shower head with hot water and sprayed it for 10-15 minutes and it was very effective too.