Fistula healing without surgery

Fistula healing

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Fistula healing without surgery

Postby superuser » 27 May 2023, 14:07

Hi there,
So here goes my sad story.... I was diagnosed with an intersphincteric fistula about 5 months ago (with an MRI test). The abscess drained on its own at that time and I have been trying to manage the symptoms since then by doing daily sitz baths, diet control and Ayurvedic medicine. I get pain and discharge (pus, blood) from the wound in case of hard stools/constipation or if I eat junk/spicy food but if I avoid those things, it remains okay.

I wanted to know if anyone has been able to get rid of fistula without surgical procedures? Based on my Google search so far, it does not seem like it's possible. But I also know that the body has the ability to heal many ailments if given a proper environment, nourishment and time. So would love to know if you or someone you know have been able to cure fistula (or at least control/manage it) without any kind of surgery.

I am terrified of surgery and most of them seem to fail initially so am unable to decide what to do next :oops: Looking for some advice!!
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Re: Fistula healing without surgery

Postby GrrrAF » 27 May 2023, 17:20

Hi superuser,

I am terrified of surgery also; no fistula but a CF. Have you heard of @yourfriendlyproctologist? CRS with a youtube channel excellent information videos. He may have done something on fistulas if you search. I recommend since he promotes more natural healing and surgery avoidance at least with fissures.

Well wishes.
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Re: Fistula healing without surgery

Postby superuser » 27 May 2023, 19:19

Hi GrrrAF, Thanks so much for your reply and for giving me some hope. I had not heard of this CRS but am definitely going to check it out now. I am willing to do anything at this point to avoid going under the knife!!

By the way, my problem also started with a fissure but it is healed now with proper diet (specially increasing fat intake is key for me), heating pad and OTC ointments. I am glad that you have also found natural ways to deal with the CF.

Take care.
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