by mabs » 21 May 2014, 10:17
Fruits (except berries, bananas and oranges). Berries have seeds that don't digest well and have a tendency to scrape while exiting. Bananas constipate. Oranges have too much acid.
Raw vegetables (except the ones that have too much iron and calcium coz iron constipates and calcium without enough magnesium tends to tighten your sphincter muscle.
Cut sugar, milk, cheese, and egg yolk. Try going gluten free for a while. (Calcium is important but too much of it will create a havoc in your system).
You may incorporate brown rice instead of white rice in your diet. Drink enough water. Replace regular milk with Almond Milk. (A word of caution : check for Daily Value of Calcium and Iron. Should not be more than 10% Calcium and 2% iron) Vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, okra, green beans are fine. Spinach/broccoli in moderation (again ..contains too much iron and calcium). Any type of fish is safe. Red meat such as beef should be in moderation (Swedish meatballs is my favorite hahaha). I have given up eating chicken. I don't know why chicken blocks my digestive tract. Occasional ice cream is fine. Strictly NO potatoes or green peas. I have replaced oranges with naval oranges. My fruit intake is basically 2 naval oranges, lots of green grapes and one small glass of fresh carrot juice (lots of Vit C with enough fiber helps to soften poo). No apples please. Lentils/dry beans (Red, kidney, black-eyed) in moderation as well (too much fiber, iron and protein).
3 flaxseed (each after breakfast, lunch and dinner) "OIL" softgels to lubricate the stools and 1 magnesium oxide 250 mg to relax the sphincter muscle. Nothing else. Always remember to have complete elimination without which even the safest diet will fail. The stool left behind gets dry quickly and you are back in the loop for no reason at all. If you feel the fullness, it means you are not done. It's time to temporarily increase your magnesium dose until you are back on track.