Foods which help prevent constipation

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Foods which help prevent constipation

Postby Davo » 07 Mar 2017, 14:43

Hi Guys

I've not been on here for a while now but i thought i would give some information on which foods to eat if you suffer constipation. I found this information on WebMD so it's not actually my information but i thought it may aid some of you with your food choices:

Food #1: Pears
Fruits and veggies are good for constipation in general because they are good sources of water and fibre.
Pears, apples, and plums have a lot of fibre in their skin, so the best way to eat them is raw.
Pears are a sweet fruit packed with vitamins and antioxidants, and they have a lot of fibre and water, which can help with constipation.

Food #2: Popcorn
Popcorn is not only a delicious snack, it’s also a great food to help relieve constipation.
Popcorn is filled with fibre, which many people are not aware of. Fibre helps get things moving, which can make pooping easier.

Food #3: Almonds
Almonds are great for relieving constipation.
Like other nuts, they should be eaten in small amounts, along with plenty of water.
Additionally, seeds are great for aiding digestion as well, so if you’re not in the mood for almonds or other nuts, grab a handful of pumpkin or sunflower seeds.

Food #4: Lentils
Lentils, which are high in fibre and have similar properties to beans, are great for making things move along in your gut.
These can make for a great side dish (try them with sausage), and they’re good in salads, too. They can even be hearty enough to have as a main course, thanks to a healthy amount of protein. And, oh yeah, they help you poop.

Food #5: Potato Salad
Cooled potatoes have fibre and a lot of something called ‘resistant starch.’ This ‘resists’ digestion, and some of it ends up in your large intestine, where it helps good bacteria grow.”
Another great way to get your potato fix is Baked potatoes or baked sweet potatoes.
Potato skins have a lot of fibre, so make sure to keep the skins on when you cook and eat them.

Food #6: Watermelon
Watermelon is more than just a yummy summer snack, it’s a delicious way to get things moving down there.
It doesn’t have a lot of fibre but it’s 92 percent water, and that can encourage a bowel movement.

Food #7: Oatmeal
Oatmeal is not only a delicious breakfast food, it is also jam-packed with both soluble and insoluble fibre.
Insoluble fibre adds bulk to stool and helps food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines, while soluble fibre dissolves in water and forms a gel-like material. Together, the two types of fibre work together to bulk up stool, soften it, and make it easier to pass.”
Oatmeal also absorbs water, which aids with digestion.

Food #8: Raspberries
For a sweet constipation remedy, take your pick of luscious raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.”

Food #9: Prunes
One of the first foods for constipation that comes to mind is prunes, and there’s a good reason for that!
All dried fruits are good for constipation relief, so you can take your pick of dates, figs, prunes, raisins, apricots, and more.
Prunes in particular are great because they not only are high in fibre, but also contain sorbitol, which is a natural laxative.

Food #10: Coffee
If you’ve ever noticed that you have to poop after drinking your daily cup of coffee, there’s a reason for that.
Experts believe that coffee stimulates muscle contractions in the colon, which then helps you go to the bathroom.

Food #11: Yogurt
Yogurt, on top of being a delicious snack, is also very good for your digestive health. Many yogurts contain live active bacterial cultures, or probiotics, that replenish the good bacteria in your gut

Food #12: Kiwis
The main problem with a lot of fruits is that they’re high in sugar, which can cause gas. She does add, though, that high-fibre, low-sugar fruits such as kiwis
don’t bring on bloated tummies.

Food #13: Oranges
Instead of drinking orange juice, go for an actual orange.
Citrus fruits contain a flavanol called naringenin, which Chinese researchers in an animal study found could work like a laxative to help treat constipation.

Food #14: Spinach
Spinach, like most of these other foods, is high in fibre. It also has magnesium, which is helpful in relieving constipation.
Magnesium helps the colon contract, and it also helps draw water in to flush things through.

Food #15: Beans
Beans contain resistant starch, a fibre-like starch that helps improve transit time in the colon, acts as a mild laxative, and helps balance the bacteria in your GI tract.
Cup for cup, beans can provide twice as much fiber as most vegetables
But if traditional beans cause you too much discomfort, you can opt for green beans instead. They’re very different from traditional beans, though they still have a good amount of fibre. Additionally, they’re low in fermentable sugar, so they won’t make you gassy like normal beans.

Food #16: Whole-Grain Bread
Increasing the whole grains in your diet is an effective constipation remedy.
Eating whole-grain bread is also a good way to avoid future blockages: they’re high in complex carbohydrates and fibre while being low in fat.

Food #17: Broccoli
Broccoli is a superstar source of fibre. Broccoli is low in calories and a great source of nutrients.

Food #18: Nuts
Like many of these other foods, nuts have huge amounts of fibre. Some of the best nuts are peanuts, walnuts, and Brazil nuts.
Just make sure not to eat too many: nuts are calorie-rich foods, so you should only eat a few at a time.
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