Forget all you know about!

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Forget all you know about!

Postby ap093 » 17 Dec 2019, 23:40

As the tile says, forget all you've even knew about fibers.

So basically I bough online a Colorec Bowel Aid (the famous toilette which helps healing fissure) and amongst the reviews of the product, a review made by CRS Francis Seow Choen from Singapore got my attention, as he was stating that he uses Colorec with great results in his patients regularly. Me, being depressed cause of this fissure, decided to try to contact him to get reassured that I would heal as well, so after some research I was able to add him in Facebook, and he kindly accepted to have a conversation. What I heard from him was shocking and...made damn freaking sense at the same time. He basically told me to stop eating fibers immediately. Why's that? Because fibers make stool bulky, large and long, and by passing down the anal canal, it keeps re-opening the fissure. I think we can all agree on this, the more fiber we eat, the bulkier stool we're going to get. He told me my best chance to heal are by using the Colorec and stopping eating fibers immediately, in order to get tiny, small stool that will pass WITHOUT stretching the anal canal.
At this point my question can I stop eating fibers, what if I get constipated?! He replied by sending me TONS of scientific materials that he produced, followed by sentences like:
"Goats and rabbits eat fibers only and all day long, however their stool are typically hard and dry, basically the #1 classification of constipation reported on the Bristol Stool Chart. If fibers really provided help, how would you explain this?
" -
"Lions, tigers and cats never touch any fibers at all, and their feces are always soft, tiny and healthy"

At that point I was gotten so confused i nearly fainted. So guys, PLEASE have a look at the scientific material ESPECIALLY the first link that I posted below, and let's have a conversation, as this might be a revolution.

[size=100]1) MUST MUST MUST MUST READ! - His explanation on how fibers cause constipation, IBS and colorectal problems, such fissures:

2) Fiber and colorectal diseases: separating fact from fiction:

3) Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms:

4) High-Fibre diet and Colonic Diverticulosis:
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Re: Forget all you know about!

Postby dmcff » 18 Dec 2019, 02:50

It does seem odd that there should be such a strong difference of medical opinion about such a basic issue as anal fissure and diet, but there it is. On the one hand, we have WebMD telling us to
Get Plenty of Fiber
If you're constipated, passing large, hard, or dry stools can cause an anal fissure. Getting plenty of fiber in your diet -- especially from fruits and vegetables -- can help prevent constipation, though.

On the other hand, there's Mr. Monastyrsky, warning us against the Fiber Menace, in a book which

is for people who believe fiber prevents cancers, reduces the risk of heart disease, regulates blood sugar, wards off diabetes, lowers appetite, induces weight loss, cleanses the colon, and eliminates constipation.Tragically, none of it is true, and Fiber Menace explains why it's the complete opposite.

I wonder why this stark divergence of opinion exists, and is there any real proof that one of these totally opposed views is more correct than the other? The links to the articles in the post suggest to me that it's more a matter of conviction than of science, but that's just my personal take on this.
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Re: Forget all you know about!

Postby chachacha » 18 Dec 2019, 10:15

My personal take on this would be that the answer is incredibly person-specific. We're all so genetically different, and may do better with diets based on a very broad spectrum of fiber-ness.
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Re: Forget all you know about!

Postby Okaybum » 29 Dec 2019, 21:22

Fiber adds softness to the bowel and helps keep things moving which is important for constipation. Slow moving poop has more time to lose water and become hard. Since adding fiber to my diet, I don't have hard tips. However, fiber can make poop big. I find that to be counterproductive with this fissure. It's all about finding the right fiber and the right amount. Each fiber is different.

I take benefiber. That works brilliantly for me. I also do miralax.
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Re: Forget all you know about!

Postby Okaybum » 29 Dec 2019, 21:23

One more thing,

Miralax adds water to the bowels to help stool through. Fiber adds water to the poop, to make it softer and easier to pass
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Re: Forget all you know about!

Postby missy moo » 17 Aug 2021, 16:36

I'm very interested to who if this guy you had a message conversation with said anything about hard tips in particular. My problem seems to be the hard tip bms followed by normal soft bm.
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